“Axis of Life” project: necessary and constructive exchanges with traders

“Axis of Life” project: necessary and constructive exchanges with traders
“Axis of Life” project: necessary and constructive exchanges with traders

In order to guarantee the most representative participation possible, the ASVPs from the City of Issy visited each of the establishments to hand-deliver and under signature an invitation to participate in one of the proposed meetings. Two weeks before these meetings were held, all traders were contacted by telephone to find out their preference in terms of time slots.

This procedure resulted in 70 letters delivered under signatures followed by telephone contact. In total, the City was able to interact with 36 representatives of businesses on Rue Ernest Renan, or half of them.

These meetings proved essential for clarifying the objectives of the project and adapting the arrangements directly in front of each of the businesses. The exchange on the results of the summer 2023 questionnaires was particularly enlightening, revealing that 95% of the 450 customers who responded are locals and that 90% of them come on foot. These figures and the answers to the other questions prove that their needs and expectations align with the directions of the project.

During these discussions, particular attention was paid to delivery management. The current configuration of the street, allowing double-line deliveries, will no longer be possible with the redevelopment providing for a single lane. Places reserved for deliveries will therefore be integrated into the project to meet this primary need. The positioning of this equipment could be coordinated, giving rise to moves or additions. These adjustments will be carried over into future plans and will continue to be worked on, until they are implemented on site in consultation during the work phase.

A public meeting on Tuesday July 9 at 6:30 p.m.

Finally, more generally, the meetings made it possible to transform initial apprehension into support for a project perceived as a lever for attractiveness for the street. The quality envisaged for the development was favorably compared to that of the Coeur de Ville district, which reinforced the interest of traders. The adaptability of the project to the specific needs of the traders encountered was also a reassuring point. Furthermore, during one of these meetings, the presence and very positive feedback from Mr. Palombi, President of the Confederation of French Traders (CDF), reinforced institutional support for the project.

In order to continue these necessary and constructive times of exchange, the City will organize a public meeting intended for residents of the street and extended to the entire neighborhood on Tuesday, July 9 at 6:30 p.m., at the Niedermayer auditorium.

All information on the “Axe de Vie” project



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