In 30 minutes, these gangsters steal your money on iPhone

In 30 minutes, these gangsters steal your money on iPhone
In 30 minutes, these gangsters steal your money on iPhone

This is a very real threat for all iPhone owners in the United Kingdom and could just as easily happen in France. In one article, The Guardian indeed returns to these criminal gangs which are rampant across the Channel.

They practice “shoulder-surfing”. The idea is therefore to scrutinize an iPhone owner in the hope of seeing him dial his access code. Once armed with this crucial information, they carry out snatching and disappear into the wild.

Very quick gains

All they have to do is unlock the device to access your banking apps and steal your money. They can also search for numbers and various passwords in the notes section of the phone. This data can then be resold on the dark web.

Visibly proud of his misdeeds, the gang leader boasted of the efficiency of his organization capable of stealing up to 80 smartphones per day. They often act in nightclubs or pubs at times when people are more relaxed and inattentive. The leader added that it usually only takes him 30 minutes to access banking apps and steal tens of thousands of pounds.

So be careful. Apple also takes the danger of “shoulder-surfing” very seriously. Questioned last year following fairly similar cases that occurred in the United States, the apple brand explained that it was working “relentlessly every day to protect our users’ accounts and data”. She added that she was “always looking for additional protections against emerging threats”.

Does this “shoulder-surfing” worry you, and are you taking measures to protect yourself? Tell us in the comments. – Official app

Par : Keleops AG



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