Here’s the key to a successful detox so you can waddle radiantly on the beach this summer, according to a naturopath

Here’s the key to a successful detox so you can waddle radiantly on the beach this summer, according to a naturopath
Here’s the key to a successful detox so you can waddle radiantly on the beach this summer, according to a naturopath

And no, you won’t need to guzzle shots of beetroot and ginger juice…

Every year, it’s the same thing: you give yourself a good detoxification for the coming summer, to feel beautiful and in great shape for the holidays by the sea. Well yes… You overindulged a little in the petit fours, the many sweets and chocolate logs this winter, then the barbecues and alcoholic aperitifs with friends this spring. Although less than usual, since the good weather wasn’t really there. Warm lemon juice in the morning, followed by a cocktail black radish and organic artichoke juice and a nettle herbal tea in the evening, before diving into the arms of Morpheus. Come on, a young intermittent on this and you will be ready for swing your hips on the beachin your elegant, yet sexy two-piece bikini…

A detox, really?

Congratulations ! Your motivation starts from good attention, however, you must be vigilant, because for Yohan Mannone, naturopath, detox is also un concept marketing : “each year, many alternatives are sold to you to clean, purify and eliminate all accumulated waste from your body. But nature does it well! Detoxification of the body is a 100% natural and permanent process.” In fact, the latter allowseliminate your toxins, whether external or internal, thanks to the elimination organs. And it all starts in the liver, since it has the capacity to transform waste into water-soluble molecules to allow the body to easily evacuate them through bile and stools, through the intestine, through urine, through the kidneys, or even through perspiration and sebumthrough the skin and even through the air exhaled through the lungs. “To carry out its daily cleaning work, our liver needs numerous raw materials as well as a favorable organic environment”supports the practitioner.

What does our body need?

  • Vitamins (A,B,C,E…)
  • Of minerals (zinc, iron, copper, magnesium…)
  • Antioxidants (manganese, molybdenum, glutathione, selenium…)
  • Amino acids (glycine, N-acetyl, cysteine, taurine, glutamine…) “You need to eat enough protein.”warns the naturopath.
  • Active thyroid hormones “to activate your metabolism. You have to manage your stress and avoid deficiencies”advises Yohan.
  • A healthy intestinal microbiota which will protect the integrity of the intestinal barrier. If the latter is porous (holes), the waste from the intestine will not be evacuated through the stools, but will be returned to the blood, therefore to the liver, which will have worked for nothing,” he continues.

3 wise tips for a quality detox

So that our body is able to clean yourself naturallyhe would simply have to bring him what he needs. Logical. The first tip of the naturopath is to have “an anti-inflammatory diet”to allow the organs involved in detoxification to do their job properly. The second is to “take care of your digestion”. Ok, so far so good. And the third is to provide the energy necessary for the body to support it “activate its self-cleaning mechanisms”. Once these three elements are combined, you can afford to consume certain plants, such as milk thistle to regenerate liver cells and facilitate the work of the livergo on a diet or even a treatment to eliminate toxins.

Come on… one last tip: have a healthy lifestylecar “It’s certainly not a glass of lemon or grapefruit juice in the morning that will cleanse our body, it’s better to have a good protein breakfast”. According to the creator of the Instagram account @yohan_naturopath, remember to rest well. hydrate yourselfto move to sweat, that’s how “you will have your detox!”



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