Montech. Take charge of your health and keep it

Montech. Take charge of your health and keep it
Montech. Take charge of your health and keep it

the essential
How to age healthily? Not so simple but not impossible according to a speaker invited by the MSA.

At the initiative of local elected officials of the MSA, Marie Selles, president, and Christian Birol, vice-president, a conference on the theme “taking control of your health” was organized in the Laurier room, a meeting which was closely followed of around fifty people.

Doctor Florence Martin, from the Agirc-Arrco prevention center in Toulouse, presented a detailed slideshow on this most important theme when we start to age. Several topics were addressed by the geriatrician and the participants were full of questions.

How to age healthily? This seems quite natural, but there are activities to follow, physical or intellectual activities, we must continue to have social connections and all of this will allow the individual to achieve their aspirations.

The most important factor influencing the quality of age advancement is lifestyle, followed by the environment. We must therefore find, or better still pursue, a healthy lifestyle.

Prevent risks

As they say again and again, “prevention is better than cure”. This is why medical screenings exist. Medical prevention is important for all parts of the human body, eyes, teeth, taking care of your feet to avoid falls, controlling your hearing so as not to isolate yourself during discussions. Proper follow-up of vaccinations is just as important as screening for different cancers.

We must also be concerned about the psychological state of the individual which can be an enemy of the quality of life. Indeed, a permanent state of fatigue, letting go, the desire to do nothing or other symptoms can hide depression. So, before moving on to drug treatments, let’s try to have a healthy lifestyle.

Regular physical activity such as walking, aquatic activities, gymnastics, a good balanced diet, knowing how to relax and relieve stress will very often avoid medication treatment. “We must dare to do good for ourselves, in addition to medicinal treatments if they have become necessary.”

The importance of sleep

You also need to know how to give yourself time, eat a varied diet, use relaxation and stress management techniques.

The speaker focused on sleep, its duration, which varies for each individual, it can range from 4 hours to 12 hours depending on the person. The importance of sleep is essential and do not hesitate to consult in case of sleep apnea.

According to the participants, a very interesting conference which was very appreciated by all the participants.



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