SNCF Voyageurs dematerializes its TER subscriptions and ticket books

SNCF Voyageurs dematerializes its TER subscriptions and ticket books
SNCF Voyageurs dematerializes its TER subscriptions and ticket books

Scanning TER ticket cards

Transport ticket cards are currently deployed in 11 French regions. Particularly used by subscribers, they are also the medium on which ticket books can be stored as in Auvergne Rhône Alpes or Brittany, among others.

Practical, these cards are easy to carry. To find out the validity date or the number of tickets available on the card, you must go to the ticket office or to the automatic terminals available at the station.

To make life easier for customers, SNCF Voyageurs has teamed up with Ellipse to design a new smart card, equipped with a small black and white screen, which allows this type of information to be displayed directly on the card.

“This screen is based on E-Ink technology, electronic ink, and will display critical information such as a security code, an expiry date or a ticket balance” – Arnaud Jullien, Executive Vice-President EMEA by Ellipse.

A card that is already compatible with all TER SNCF Voyageurs validation terminals, and which works without contact, but also without the need for a battery.

“This screencard is based on NFC technology, like a traditional ticket card. And the card will use electricity from the electromagnetic field of the terminal, to modify the display of the screen, and for example decrement the ticket counter” – Christelle Abrial, Ticketing Project Manager at SNCF Voyageurs.

Very simple to use, the prototype was able to be presented in preview to visitors to the SNCF group Lab, during the last VivaTech show in Paris.



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