Ubisoft announces the arrival of an anniversary edition of “Beyond Good and Evil”

Ubisoft announces the arrival of an anniversary edition of “Beyond Good and Evil”
Ubisoft announces the arrival of an anniversary edition of “Beyond Good and Evil”

French publisher Ubisoft announced on Friday the return of “Beyond Good and Evil” to all current platforms on June 25. This is a redesign of the title, released in 2003 on the media of the time (including the PlayStation 2), to mark its 20th anniversary. The game is developed by Virtuos Games under the supervision of Ubisoft Montpellier.

Players will be able to (re)discover this action-adventure game in the most beautiful way possible, specifies Ubisoft in a press release, thanks to the optimization of graphics performance. The publisher specifies in particular a 4k display, 60 frames per second and ergonomic improvements, including automatic saving and the possibility of skipping cutscenes. It can be played with a controller or keyboard-mouse and will feature cross-saving on all platforms.

At the same time, “Beyond Good & Evil – 20th Anniversary” will also introduce a new Speedrun mode to challenge players, more than 20 new achievements and an anniversary photo gallery diving into the history of the game’s development and presenting many new illustrations, videos and much more.

It appears to be more of an adaptation to the current fleet of gaming machines than an ambitious remake. To be checked on June 25.

Without having been a commercial success, it was even more of a failure, “Beyond Good and Evil” has acquired the status of a cult game over the years. The personality of its heroine, Jade, a photographer reporter and, above all, of her “uncle” Pey’j, a temperamental pig-man, contributed to this. Michel Ancel, creator of Rayman, was the helmsman of this new action-adventure franchise.

After years in the dustbin of video game history, Ubisoft made it official in 2008 that a sequel was being prepared. This second opus, described as very ambitious, has still not seen the light of day. Shattered by a scandal revealing chaotic production, Michel Ancel left the management of the project in 2020. Ubisoft has not given any news on the state of “Beyond Good and Evil 2” for many years, but has not has not announced any cancellation either.

Even with the upcoming arrival of “Beyond Good & Evil – 20th Anniversary”, the suspense remains.



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