Northern lights returning Monday or Tuesday in France, after a new solar eruption?

Northern lights returning Monday or Tuesday in France, after a new solar eruption?
Northern lights returning Monday or Tuesday in France, after a new solar eruption?

A major solar flare took place during the night of Friday June 7 to Saturday June 8. It could lead to new northern lights visible from France by Tuesday.

Will a magnificent spectacle once again light up the French sky? While a solar flare took place on the night of Friday June 7 to Saturday June 8, according to several scientists, it could lead to new northern lights visible in France on Monday or Tuesday.

“This night, around 3 a.m., the active zone AR3697 (on the right in the sequence below) produced a gigantic coronal mass ejection on the western part of the Sun,” the scientific mediator and qualified speaker wrote on Saturday on in astronomy Pierre Henriquet.

It indicates that “this long-lasting solar flare emitted a significant amount of solar particles into interplanetary space.”

“Models predict that this flow of solar particles could arrive in the Earth’s environment on Tuesday June 11. If the Earth’s magnetic field is in the right configuration, beautiful auroras could be produced, at least at high latitudes,” assures he.

A “massive solar flare”

Fabrizio Bucella, physicist and professor at the University of Brussels, Belgium, also mentions a “massive solar flare” that occurred on Saturday.

The coronal mass ejection “should reach Earth by June 10, 2024,” he estimates. “If we reach level G3, the northern lights would be visible in our latitudes.”

A level 5 geomagnetic storm on a scale of 5, a level described as “extreme”, was observed on Earth on May 11, a first since 2003. This storm was caused by the arrival on Earth of a series of coronal mass ejections from the Earth.

Northern lights could be observed in certain regions of France, an uncommon phenomenon in these latitudes. Solar activity is “anything but over”, Alexi Glover, space weather coordinator at ESA (European Space Agency), told Agence France-Presse (AFP) in mid-May.

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