In Nice, will the Northern Lights still be visible? This expert answers

In Nice, will the Northern Lights still be visible? This expert answers
In Nice, will the Northern Lights still be visible? This expert answers


Manon Reinhardt

Published on

May 23, 2024 at 10:12 a.m.

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After the recent leprechauns, the show may not be over. If exceptional northern lights could be observed from the Côte d’Azur 10 days ago for three nights in a row, others could well be visible in the coming weeks in Nice (Alpes-Maritimes).

In any case, this is what the weather forecasts show, which report a intense solar activity thus being able to cause this extremely rare phenomenon in France.

“More chance of getting one now”

They caused a sensation during three exceptional nights, the weekend of May 10, 2024. The Northern Lights came to light up the Riviera sky that many spectators were able to capture spectacular images. A phenomenon caused by an extreme solar storm. But will the episode be repeated here?

Northern lights have been observable everywhere in the Alpes-Maritimes, like here from the heights of Nice. (©Kate Jacqueline and Christophe Suarez / document provided to - Nice)

Asked by news NiceEric Lagadec, astrophysicist for the Côte d’Azur Observatory specializing in stardust, confirms that “the sun is very active Right now “. But the possibilities of being able to see them again in the coming weeks remain “impossible” to predict.

“All I can say is that there are more chances of getting them now than 4 or 5 years ago,” he replies. If this is indeed the case, the astrophysicist assures that the experts will be able to see them arriving at least three days before, the time for the solar material to reach the Earth.

Avoid light pollution

However, you can prepare to take out your camera, as solar activity remains very intense. But from where to see them if the phenomenon reproduces and what are the best spots to take the most beautiful photos?

“The best is to move away from the city center to avoid light pollution by moving away from the city and looking towards the North, because that’s where they come from,” explains Eric Lagadec.

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So, many astronomy enthusiasts ran to the places that have the best view, like the Justice plateau in Eze but also on sites in the Mercantour national park. The Col de Vence is also very popular with stargazers.

Earth facing a sunspot within 2 weeks

The last time the Northern Lights were observed in our area was in 2003 – totally causing power cuts and damage to electrical networks in certain countries – and in 1989, recalls the astrophysicist. “It’s rare but it still happens about every 20 years. »

Current powerful solar flares produce coronal mass ejections capable of forming charged particles. “If the material ejects towards Earth, it can create the Northern Lights. » Their entry into the atmosphere at high speed then brings with them these lights that we can contemplate.

The Northern Lights are made possible by sunspots, when they are found facing the Earth. Which will be the case within a fortnight, the European Space Agency. A phenomenon “to watch out for,” concludes Eric Lagadec.

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