La Pensée de Bagot – Founded in 1951

La Pensée de Bagot – Founded in 1951
La Pensée de Bagot – Founded in 1951

October 16, 2024 – 07:00

Acton Region Nature Park

A treasure to preserve

By: Bagot’s Thought

Throughout the 2024 theater season, more than 615 visitors were able to benefit from the services of nature guide Isabelle Lefebvre, dedicated to the Acton region nature park located at the Théâtre de la Dame de Cœur (TDC), in Upton.

Visitors came from everywhere, but especially from Montérégie. They had the opportunity to combine a unique cultural offer with a visit to a protected natural environment. By walking the trails, they were able to better understand the richness of the woodland, the usefulness of the marsh and wetlands, and the importance of ecological connectivity, then familiarize themselves with the threats that threaten it, such as the presence of invasive plants.

Thanks to the attentive ear and eye of Isabelle Lefebvre, they were able to observe more than twenty varieties of birds, such as the great blue heron, the cormorant and the tree swallow, around ten animals, including the snapping turtle, and several varieties of anurans: frogs, toads, bullfrogs and tree frogs. According to Isabelle, it was a very rewarding job. “It was very pleasant to work in this enchanting setting, to introduce it to visitors and to share knowledge and experiences with them,” she commented.

The Black River Development Corporation (CDRN) was able to offer this guide service thanks to a grant from the Federation of Canadian Chambers of Commerce (FCCQ) as part of the program Welcome an internin addition to a partnership with the TDC and the Municipality of Upton.


However, the influx of visitors puts the natural site and its infrastructure under pressure. Despite the posters which invite users to take care of the park to preserve its biodiversity and its interest, there are still irresponsible actions. The nature guide contributed to the cleanliness of the place by picking up cigarette butts on the trails or a few gifts left by the dogs that were walked there. Worse, however, are the illegal harvesting of vulnerable species and the generation of illegal trails which weaken and fragment the environment.

The CDRN therefore asks all users to adopt an attitude that respects the framework and regulations put in place in order to contribute to the sustainability of this park so that its mission of enhancing the quality of life of all continues for a long time.

The Acton region nature park is open all year round free of charge and constitutes an asset for the region.



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