Kotlin vs. Java in the AI ​​era

Kotlin vs. Java in the AI ​​era
Kotlin vs. Java in the AI ​​era

What is the best language choice for developing artificial intelligence systems? Have you ever wondered what the answer might be?


  • AI is changing the use of programming languages.
  • Despite the dominance of Python, Java and Kotlin are essential.
  • Kotlin’s popularity is growing rapidly in various fields.

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the world of programming languages

The technological landscape is constantly transforming under the weight of artificial intelligence (AI). These changes are causing a redefinition of priorities for developers, particularly regarding the selection of the programming language best suited to AI development.

Java and Kotlin: two strong choices

The influence of Java remains undeniable since 1995. However, Kotlin, a newcomer in comparison, is starting to seriously overshadow it. Python dominates in research and prototyping, but for production AI systems, especially at scale, Java and Kotlin have a significant advantage. An advantage reinforced by a recent update of Kotlin which made it easier to use and reduced its error rate by almost 30%.

Kotlin: a protagonist on the rise

Developed by JetBrains in 2010, Kotlin won over Google, which declared it the language of choice for Android in 2019 and then the preferred technology for business applications sharing their logic between different platforms this year. Thanks to its concise syntax and expressive features Kotlin is also popular for its great compatibility with Java.

It is a cross-platform language, reducing disparities between systems and development efforts. Its convenience of use in various sectors like e-commerce, fintech and enterprise software makes it a preferred choice.

A future without Java?

According to Egor Tolstoy, Kotlin project manager at Jetbrains, “Kotlin is a perfect choice for several scenarios: Android development, server-side development, cross-platform programming, and as a first language to get started with coding”. He adds that since Google’s approval of Kotlin for Android development, “more than 50% of Android developers have moved from Java to Kotlin”.

However, many Kotlin developers for AI still rely heavily on Java libraries. Indeed, Java remains a robust choice due to its mature ecosystem, robust toolbox, and vast collection of libraries and frameworks.

Ultimately, if you are new to AI and looking for a modern and concise syntax, Kotlin is definitely worth considering. But Java, with its well-established ecosystem and effective tools for machine learning and data analysis, continues to remain relevant in many scenarios.



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