Finally Spotify will no longer offer you your children’s songs

Finally Spotify will no longer offer you your children’s songs
Finally Spotify will no longer offer you your children’s songs
Among the music streaming services, we know that Spotify is among the most widespread and oldest. Over the years, we have witnessed several evolutions of the platform and we see interesting news on the horizon. Spotify begins testing managed accounts for minors . The innovation that Spotify has just started testing is particularly relevant because it will finally make the listening habits of account holders and possible minors using the same account independent . Anyone who has a child or in any case a minor who uses their Spotify account will be happy to know the innovation that Spotify is testing on its platform. The relevance lies in the fact that at present, whoever uses their Spotify profile makes it more and more consistent with their musical tastes. This is because the platform is based on a user profiling algorithm based on their musical tastes. This aspect, which is one of the key points that have favored the success and diffusion of Spotify throughout the world, allows the platform to offer songs and artists consistent with the musical tastes of the user.
This algorithm also essentially aims to suggest content that we may not know but that we might like, and it does this by analyzing and profiling each user who uses the platform. But what happens if other users use the same personal profile? In this case, the profiling is “dirty” with the musical tastes of other users.

And this always happens when your children use the main Spotify account to listen to the content they like. And then we end up with the playlists automatically generated by Spotify of artists very popular with the youngest. Musical content that might not interest an adult at all. Spotify’s new feature should solve this problem. The managed account will allow your minor children to initialize an account, which is essentially a “child” of the main account. In this way, on the one hand, it will be possible to restrict or limit the content accessible to minors, possibly by placing blocks on content marked as not suitable for minors. On the other hand, it will be possible not to pollute your profiling with the musical tastes of the little ones. This will also be reflected in the usual Wrapped (here’s how to see your Wrapped ) that Spotify offers to each of its users at the end of the year. Minors with managed accounts will receive their Wrapped, as will the parents or guardians who manage the minor’s account. The new feature we just described is not available to all subscribers. Spotify has indicated that it is a feature that is being tested for those who subscribe to the Family plan in Denmark, New Zealand and Sweden, for which there is the option to create and initialize a managed account for children under 13.



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