“This has raised a number of questions”

Montflours, in Mayenne, wants to install light housing on land currently rented to a farmer. The latter says he was “surprised” by this project. His lease runs until 2029.

The municipality of Montflours would welcome the arrival of this type of lightweight housing. It is not to everyone’s taste. | WEST-FRANCE ARCHIVES

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  • The municipality of Montflours would welcome the arrival of this type of lightweight housing. It is not to everyone’s taste. | WEST-FRANCE ARCHIVES

Valery Beucher is a farmer in Montflours in Mayenne. Since 2019 and until 2029, he has been farming a little over a hectare of land that belongs to the municipality. It is on this 1.2 ha plot that the municipality wants to install trailers, yurts and other tiny houses (small houses on wheels). This lightweight housing project will not be able to see the light of day before the end of the farmer’s lease.

A ten-year agreement

“We were very surprised by the position of the Montflours town hall for the light housing project, while a 10-year agreement had been established before reallocation, says Valéry Beucher. Preemption (agricultural land, editor’s note) allows to avoid projects other than agricultural ones. The exploitation of these lands also allows to no longer be exposed to the development of pests, such as wild boar. Valéry Beucher assures that this lightweight housing project has aroused “a number of questions” among the inhabitants. “Land pre-emption projects by built-up areas are a recurring problem for farmers,” Valery Beucher believes.



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