TV duel shows similarities and conflicts

The TV duel between AfD leader Alice Weidel and BSW chairman Sahra Wagenknecht is causing a stir. Both show similarities, but also differences.

Alice Weidel and Sahra Wagenknecht leave the studio after the TV duel on the news channel Welt-TV. Kay Nietfeld/dpa – dpa

The broadcaster Welt TV dared an explosive experiment. He invited the AfD and BSW party leaders to a direct exchange of blows: Alice Weidel against Sarah Wagenknecht. As “Zeit Online” reports, the duel took place in the new Springer building in Berlin.

The program was moderated by Jan Philipp Burgard, editor-in-chief of Welt TV. He asked questions about current topics such as the economy, the Middle East and Ukraine. According to “RND” there was no studio audience.

Unity on foreign policy

Surprising similarities emerged when it came to foreign policy issues. Both politicians sharply criticized the sanctions against Russia. “FAZ” quotes Wagenknecht: “Ukraine will not be able to win this war, we have to negotiate.”

AfD-Weidel has “close contact” with SVP politicians – what do you think of that?


The SVP should be ashamed!


The SVP should be ashamed!


I think it’s good when the parties exchange ideas.


I think it’s good when the parties exchange ideas.

Alice Weidel agreed and emphasized that these were “AfD positions”. According to “FAZ”, Sarah Wagenknecht countered that she found that “a bit cheap”. In the Middle East conflict, both advocated against German arms deliveries to Israel.

Alice Weidel is the parliamentary group leader of the AFD. – dpa

Dispute over migration

Opinions clashed when it came to migration. Wagenknecht accused Weidel of stirring up resentment. The “Aargauer Zeitung” quotes her: “When Höcke talks about wanting to deport 20 to 30 million people, I feel sick.”

Weidel defended her party’s tough course. According to “Handelsblatt”, she demanded that all Syrians leave Germany again. Wagenknecht, on the other hand, advocated a more differentiated approach.

Economic policy differences

Clear differences emerged in economic policy. Wagenknecht spoke out in favor of state investments. According to “Handelsblatt”, she advocated loans to finance infrastructure projects.

·Never again war ·-Demonstration Berlin
October 3rd, 2024, Berlin: Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) gives an interview after her appearance at a peace demonstration at the Victory Column. – keystone

Weidel, on the other hand, insisted on the debt brake. She called for savings, especially in the social sector. The “Handelsblatt” quotes them: “We say very clearly that citizens’ money must not be paid out to foreign citizens.”

Conclusion of the duel

Experts assessed the duel differently. The “FAZ” saw Wagenknecht as the winner: “Wagenknecht is the more experienced, and she lets Weidel feel it.” Other media emphasized the similarities between the politicians.

The format itself caused discussions. “Turi2” reports that a fact check took place the following day. Journalists from “Spiegel”, “Zeit” and “Welt” critically analyzed the debate.



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