Health insurance premiums will increase by 6.4% on average in 2025

Health insurance premiums will increase by 6.4% on average in 2025
Health insurance premiums will increase by 6.4% on average in 2025

Press release

Published on September 26, 2024


In 2025, in Switzerland, health insurance premiums will once again increase significantly. In the canton of Vaud, the average increase is equivalent to 6.4% (compared to 9.9% in 2024), which corresponds to 25.60 francs per month. The Department of Health and Social Action (DSAS) joins the Latin Conference of Health and Social Affairs (CLASS) in its call for the Confederation to take rapid action. It also encourages the population to optimize their premiums. It provides simple explanations on the page and will list the information sessions which will take place soon in the regions of the canton to support the population in this process.

In 2025, in the canton of Vaud, the average premium for basic health insurance, all models, ages and regions combined, will once again increase significantly. The increase is 6.4% and will correspond to 25.60 francs per month. It is part of the Swiss average premium growth of 6%.

By age category, we observe in the canton of Vaud an average increase of 6.2% for adults (29.50 francs per month), 4.2% for young people (14.70 francs per month) and 6.4% for children (8.20 francs per month). The increase will be greater in the
region 2 than in region 1. Premiums, however, remain significantly higher in region 1 than in region 2.

In 2024, around 292,100 people will be subsidized

Thanks to the Vaud system of subsidies which limits health insurance costs for the entire population to a maximum of 10% of the determining income, a third of the Vaud population (end of August 2024: approximately 292,100 people) will be less affected. by the evolution of premiums. The DSAS encourages the population, including people benefiting from subsidies, to optimize their premiums to maintain their purchasing power as much as possible. The internet page explains in a simple way how to change insurer, franchise or model. It also provides standard letters for making these changes. It will also list the information sessions that will take place soon in the different regions of the canton and will help support the population in their approach.

Efforts to control health-related costs

To contain the rise in health costs, the Canton of Vaud is using the limited room for maneuver allocated to the cantons and has implemented various measures. Thus, its financing system, which encourages hospitals to limit the number of hospitalizations, continues to obtain a cost per insured person covered by health insurance lower than the Swiss average in the stationary sector. The Canton is also investing in a response system for non-vital emergency situations allowing care that is both adapted and outside of hospital emergencies. Among other cantonal measures aimed at controlling costs, we can cite support for the next generation of general medicine (first line of care), the development of electronic patient files and mobile teams which make it possible to avoid hospitalizations from establishments. medico-social.

Vaud State Information and Communication Office

Information for press only

  • DSAS, Rebecca Ruiz, State Councilor, 021 316 50 04
  • DSAS, Fabrice Ghelfi, Director General, General Directorate of Social Cohesion, 021 316 51 44

PDF version of the press release

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