The year 2025 should mark a radical change for the Villepintoise Sports Association thanks to the election of a new office on September 3, made up of a motivated and dynamic team chaired by Christian Pagès, assisted by Ludovic Soto, Jacques Dambax , secretary, Sébastien Vandekerkhou, Chloé Rouquet, and Pascal Dupuy.
A first project saw the light of day with the creation of a veteran team to which many former players quickly joined. Of course, in this period of experimentation, it was difficult to find meetings for this last quarter but the current contacts suggest a season rich in sporting events, and especially in post-match conviviality. A state of mind already very present during Friday evening training. The leaders are also considering the creation of a senior team based on the forty young people currently playing within the GFPLM and who could once again revive local football. On the other hand, a women’s tournament is in preparation thanks to the installation by the municipality of an eight-a-side cage game subsidized 50% by the District and 50% by the municipality, which the leaders warmly thank.
To realize this new sporting momentum and encourage it, brand new jerseys were recently distributed to the players. With this promise of a renewal of the ASV, good news is looming for this year 2025.