Published on December 19, 2024 at 09:36. / Modified on December 19, 2024 at 10:38.
4 mins. reading
At the World Athletics Championships in Budapest in 2023, triple gold medalist Noah Lyles joked about the North American basketball league which designated the winner of the NBA season by the terms “world champion”. “World champion of what? From the United States?” the American sprinter was annoyed. “In athletics, we have almost all the countries fighting, giving their all and [on voit] all the flags. There is no flag in the NBA. A year later at Paris 2024, Noah Lyles became Olympic champion in the 100 meters, the crowning event of the king of the Games. And yet, bitter, he regrets not being recognized in the street.
This is not unique to Noah Lyles. While performances and records follow one another in many disciplines, no athlete anymore has the notoriety of Usain Bolt, whose aura extended well beyond the stadiums. Athletics attracts less broadcasters. In France, the L’Equipe group, which is developing its television offering by recovering neglected or secondary competitions, has just announced an unprecedented partnership for the broadcast of the Diamond Leagues from next year. The announcement comes after several pre-Olympics home years without a broadcaster in the country, with fans forced to follow the major competition circuit on YouTube.
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