A PSG star destroyed by Euro 2024?

A PSG star destroyed by Euro 2024?
A PSG star destroyed by Euro 2024?

Foot – PSG

A PSG star destroyed by Euro 2024?

Published on July 2, 2024 at 8:10 p.m.

The big names of Paris Saint-Germain are at the Euro with their respective national teams, to compete for a prestigious title. But some have already left the competition like Gianluigi Donnarumma, the Parisian goalkeeper captain of an Italian team eliminated in the round of 16 against Switzerland (2-0).

After another mixed season, Gianluigi Donnarumma seemed transformed far from the PSG. His performances with the Blue Team were indeed more than successful and it was also one of the only satisfactions in this Euro 2024 pour Luciano Spalletti. But he could not carry the team single-handedly and the Italians finally lost in the round of 16, against the Suisse.

“Donnarumma remains world number one in his role”

As captain, Donnarumma had to face the many criticisms of the Italian press, which was not kind to his selection. And those around him assure us that it was not easy. I congratulated him even when the criticism was harsh, for me he remains the world number one in his role. In Italy, he must be pampered, because there are few players like him ” has explained Enzo Raiolawho manages the career of the goalkeeper PSG.

“This defeat hurt him a lot”

« He came out of that match against Switzerland in pieces, speechless. I tried to encourage him and take his mind off things a bit, but it was really hard. That defeat hurt him a lot. ” has followed Raiolain an interview given to Sports Radio. Note that on the side of the PSG There seems to be no desire to let go of Gianluigi Donnarumma. Quite the opposite, since several sources have announced that he was recently offered a contract extension.



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