MotoGP, the calendar changes again: Kazakhstan 0 – Qatar 2!

MotoGP, the calendar changes again: Kazakhstan 0 – Qatar 2!
MotoGP, the calendar changes again: Kazakhstan 0 – Qatar 2!

The 2024 MotoGP calendar is the hot topic of discussion in the paddock. Speculation surrounds the holding of the 14th round scheduled for Kazakhstan, with a cancellation of this event now considered certain. But another meeting in Qatar is under consideration…

Originally scheduled for June, the first MotoGP race on the new international circuit of Sokol in Kazakhstan was postponed until the end of September due to flooding that interrupted infrastructure work. However, during the Dutch Grand Prix in Assen and shortly before the summer holidays which will begin after German Grand Prix This weekend, voices were raised in the paddock to say that the race of Kazakhstan
could not be held on the third weekend of September.

According to various sources, it is now certain that the

Kazakhstan Grand Prix will not take place in 2024. An informed source has indicated that the delays in preparing for the event are such that it is unrealistic to operate to the standards required of MotoGP.

With the upcoming cancellation of the race at
Kazakhstanthe MotoGP organizers had to quickly find an alternative to avoid any interruption to the calendar. The circuit of Losail au Qatar would have been chosen as the most viable solution.

A return to Qatar is also a logistical choice

Thus, the Qatari circuit will host two races this year:
one scheduled for September 21 and 22 to replace the Kazakhstan Grand Prix, and the event already held on
March 9th and 10thOr Pecco Bagnaia won the victory and Jorge Martin won the Sprint Race.

The decision to choose the Qatar was not taken only for convenience, but also for strategic reasons. Qatar’s proximity to Indonesiawhich will host the next Grand Prix just seven days later, facilitates logistics and reduces travel times and costs for teams and drivers.

Travel management is crucial for the smooth running of the championship. By reducing the distances between consecutive races, organizers minimize potential disruptions and logistical constraints. THE
Qatarwith its world-class infrastructure and proven experience in organizing major sporting events, has therefore emerged as the ideal choice.

The choice of the Qatar also helps ensure that all scheduled races go ahead as planned, providing drivers and teams with essential continuity in the championship. In addition, Losail is a circuit appreciated for its technical configuration and its spectacular night races, adding a unique dimension to the competition. To be continued …



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