”From 6 to 15, he would still be very good”, how is Dupont revolutionizing the scrum half position?

In the world of rugby, certain players mark their era with their exceptional talent and their ability to reinvent the game. Antoine Dupont, the current scrum half of Stade Toulousain and the French team, is undoubtedly one of these players. Jean-Baptiste Élissalde, former number 9 of the Blues and Toulouse, shares this opinion and does not hesitate to compare him to a rugby legend, Gareth Edwards.

Élissalde expressed his admiration for Dupont in glowing terms via L’Equipe: ” I was a little eulogistic when I said that there was one player like that every century. The oldest will remember Gareth Edward. » A comparison that says a lot about Dupont’s impact on the current game. Edwards, much like Dupont today, was renowned for his ability to anticipate the play and always be in the right place at the right time.

Top 14 Final. UBB humiliated – Marti’s truths: ”Toulouse was able to manage its squad, we were done”For the former number 9, Dupont even surpasses this comparison due to his versatile skills: “ Antoine is good in all areas, both on the hand and on the foot. “This unique versatility makes him a major asset to any team. According to Elissalde, Dupont could excel at almost any position, from 6 to 15, thanks to his playing intelligence and technical qualities.

He also highlights the transformation that Dupont brings to the position: “ Before, we had to stick to the ball and get it off our feet quickly to give the number 10 time to play. We were just one link in a whole assembly. With his qualities, Antoine is transforming this game. “Indeed, Dupont does not just distribute the ball quickly; he becomes a full-fledged attacker, the first attacker, capable of destabilizing opposing defenses with his runs and precise passes.

RUGBY. ”They are in the process of creating a huge gap”, how is Toulouse cultivating its lead over the competition?Antoine Dupont’s role goes well beyond that traditionally assigned to a scrum-half. Élissalde explains to us that in Toulouse, they had asked the forwards to lift the balls to allow the scrum-half to be the first attacker, Dupont does not need this assistance : « He goes to get them, he takes two steps across, he has support, and everyone is on the starting blocks. “His influence on the game is such that he forces opposing defenses to constantly remain on their guard, ready to react to his unpredictable initiatives.

This revolution in the position, led by Dupont, could well mark a turning point in the history of rugby. As Élissalde points out, ” he occupies these 2/3 guys around the ruck, and as soon as one is forgotten, he takes the tangent and he manages to play standing up. » By integrating moves learned in rugby 7s, Dupont becomes a complete player, difficult to contain and anticipate for opposing defenses.

''Demolition work'', ''relentless'', the foreign press fascinated by Toulouse's domination in the Top 14 Final”Demolition work”, ”relentless”, The foreign press fascinated by the domination of Toulouse in the Top 14 FinalJean-Baptiste Élissalde sees Antoine Dupont as not only an exceptional player, but also a true revolutionary in the scrum-half position. « Tomorrow, you put him with the number 6 on the back, and he’s going to be Dantean. » Its ability to transform and redefine this role, while being effective in all aspects of the game, makes him an invaluable asset for Stade Toulousain and the French team. As Élissalde puts it so well, “ You have to take advantage of guys like that because you don’t know when you’ll see the next one. »



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