Tour de France | The absolute betrayal of Romain Bardet

We approached the 3500 km of this Tour de France with total serenity. But it only took 200 km for us to be extinguished. The author of our black day? Romain Bardet.

The first stage of the 111th Tour de France took place between Florence and Rimini. On the program, 206 kilometers with sections for climbers, punchers, rollers and sprinters. In short, all the conditions were met to experience a crazy stage. And we got it.

While there are still 50 miles to go, a man will dynamite the end of the race; Romain Bardet. The Frenchman, who is competing in his last Tour de France, is putting aside the objective of the general classification. For his final participation, it will now be stage victories and enjoying the race. A resolution that does not suit us at all. Bardet leaves the peloton in the Côte de San Leo and joins his teammate at the front, a certain Frank van den Broek. Remember the name of the Dutchman, he has a great responsibility for our annoyance of the day.

The FFL caught in its own trap: hope

For many kilometers, the DSM team duo maintains its lead of around 2 minutes over the peloton. But with only 15 kilometers left, the lead melts like snow in the sun. The two riders in the lead lose ten, then twenty, thirty and even forty seconds in a few kilometers. The fall is terrible:

  • 1 minute ahead at 12 km.
  • 40 seconds at 7 km.
  • 30 seconds at 3 km.
  • 14 seconds at 2 km.
  • 10 seconds at 1 km.

Bardet and van den Broek are only a few meters ahead at the red flame. This is exactly the gap that places you in total uncertainty. From then on, our greatest ally shows up; hope. Behind, the peloton is going at breakneck speed, the teams of sprinters are crushing the pedals and setting the tarmac ablaze. Fingers crossed that a sprinter beats Romain Bardet at the finish line. This image would be sublime for the start of this Tour, and especially for the showcase of the tricolor loser throughout the world. But the reality is quite different; not only did the two DSM riders not catch up, but also Frank van den Broek left the victory to Romain Bardet. Our heart is in pieces.

The unforgivable victory of Romain Bardet

For the first stage of his last Tour de France, Romain Bardet humiliates us in the greatest calm. Not only does he win on the roads of the Tour for the fourth time in his career, but he also becomes the first yellow jersey of this edition. And for the first time in his life. The double blade. The FFL had not had to endure such an affront since 2019 and Julian Alaphilippe, the last Frenchman wearing the yellow jersey. And you know what? We didn’t miss it.

Barely the first stage of the Tour, and it already has Bardet for the FFL.



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