the beautiful anecdote, “Amavi almost had tears in his eyes”

La Redaction FCM The editorial team of Football Club de Marseille is composed of journalists who have been following OM (Olympique de Marseille) for over 10 years. Our journalists cover the news of OM and the OM transfer window daily.

Guest of our show Débat Foot Marseille, Brest midfielder Hugo Magnetti looked back on his season and on one of his club teammates, Jordan Amavi. Loaned throughout the season to the Brest club, Jordan Amavi experienced numerous physical problems before scoring a free kick on the last day of the championship.

Our program Débat Foot Marseille received Hugo Magnetti, midfielder at the Brest club this season, in order to discuss the OM transfer window. Author of a remarkable season with his club, which will participate in the Champions League at the start of the next season, Hugo Magnetti spoke about one of his teammates: Jordan Amavi. Loaned to the club by OM, the future of the question is still unclear, while he only has one year of contract remaining.

« in training he always gave his all”

“He had physical problems, beyond that there was the emergence of Bradley Locko, who had a huge season so it was hard for him. But, on the other hand, I have never seen in 8-9 years as a professional, a player with such a state of mind positive. Whether he played or not, in training he always gave his all. at full speed even though he still has a good pedigree. He was at OM, he arrives at a club like Brest which is less posh and still he arrives with his joy of livinghis desire to help, to make us progress in all aspects. It’s really a great meeting with Jordan honestly, he’s a great guy,” confides the French environment.

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A goal from a free kick in the last match

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Jordan Amavi will have finished the season with a point of honor, scoring on free kick during the last day of Ligue 1. “It’s crazy, I’m so happy for him, it was so deserved given the season he had. For l’anecdoteI’m right behind there are Pereira Lage and Amavi, and usually it’s Pereira Lage who pulls them so when I saw him start I said but What is happening ? And there I saw it straight away that she was going in. It touched me too because afterwards he was moved, he had almost tears in his eyes. » A goal that allowed Brest to secure victory and gain the three points needed to reach the Champions League.



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