Ethan Mbappé mocked on Instagram

Ethan Mbappé mocked on Instagram
Ethan Mbappé mocked on Instagram

Ethan Mbappé was kindly teased by his brother Kylian on the social network Instagram.

After seven years spent at
Paris Saint Germain
, Ethan Mbappé was asked to pack his bags, and he was ultimately not extended by the Parisian management. Free of any contract on June 30, the 17-year-old midfielder is said to be very close to signing with Losc, where he is particularly appreciated by president Olivier Létang, according to information from
Foot Market.

While waiting for his future to be confirmed, Ethan Mbappé is treating himself to some good time. The Montreuil native posted a photo of himself with one of his friends two days ago on his Instagram account. A photo accompanied by the following caption: “ Do I have the right or not? “, apparently referring to his attire.

K. Mbappé: “But you there… you’re going crazy”

A publication which did not escape his illustrious big brother Kylian, who gently made fun. “MDRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.” But you there… you are going crazy”commented the captain of the France team, currently in Germany where he is competing in Euro 2024.

A few days ago, Ethan Mbappé formalized his departure from PSG via a touching message posted on social networks. “ With my child’s soul and supporter since birth, I discovered you with eyes filled with dreams. It was almost seven years ago and I was far from suspecting that we were going to live such an adventure together, he wrote. It was the beginning of seven years where my daily life and my heart vibrated in red and blue. Seven years of encounters that marked me forever. Seven years of priceless human and sporting memories. From the carefree childhood to my first steps as a professional, you gave the best foundations to the man and player that I aspire to become. For everything you brought me, for all these wonderful people that you put on my path and for the way in which you made me grow, in the name of the sincere love that I have for you, I say thank you and goodbye, PSG.



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