the first three strong decisions of De Zerbi, the Mercato on the menu

the first three strong decisions of De Zerbi, the Mercato on the menu
the first three strong decisions of De Zerbi, the Mercato on the menu

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Big day yesterday for OM since at the stroke of midday, Roberto De Zerbi arrived in Marseille. Surrounded by the new sports director Giovanni Rossi and an army of assistants who will train his staff, the Italian coach discovered Marseille and in particular the Commanderie. As the Team explains, De Zerbi was quick to take some measures. The first being to postpone the date of the resumption, initially set for July 1 and finally announced for the 4, with a few days of medical tests before a real resumption of training on July 8.

De Zerbi wants heavy in the middle

Another major decision that was made was the total overhaul of the medical sector. A very large number of physios and physiotherapists have learned that they will not be renewed, just like club doctor Mathias Giustiniani. Furthermore, L’Equipe reveals that De Zerbi and Pablo Longoria spoke about the Mercato with a demand made by the Italian, who wants reinforcement in midfield. A priori, the first arrival in this sector should be Ismaël Koné, the 22-year-old Canadian midfielder who plays at Watford.

Read also

OM: De Zerbi is already creating a first upheaval in Marseille

OM: a crazy transfer window announced, ten recruits this summer?

To sum up

Roberto De Zerbi arrived yesterday at Marseille and the new OM coach did not hesitate to make big entry decisions. The date of the resumption, the medical sector but also the Mercato were on the menu.



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