“My girlfriend was a little upset”… called last minute to Marcoussis, Dubois had to cancel his vacation

“My girlfriend was a little upset”… called last minute to Marcoussis, Dubois had to cancel his vacation
“My girlfriend was a little upset”… called last minute to Marcoussis, Dubois had to cancel his vacation

Not accepted into the first list of 32 players for the summer tour, the young USAP winger had to review his plans this summer.

Last minute change of plan for Lucas Dubois. Selected at the last minute for the summer tour of the XV of France in Argentina, the young USAP winger was amused at having to review his summer plans. “I had already booked my vacation,” admitted the Blues novice, passing in front of the press in Marcoussis on the eve of takeoff to Buenos Aires. The destination was nice too and my girlfriend was a bit upset but since we were able to change it and she was able to manage on her own, in the end it worked out.”

Not called up in Fabien Galthié’s initial list, the 26-year-old player is one of the many novices summoned to the French XV, to compensate for the absences linked to the outcome of the Top 14. And this is how he learned the news …by his trainer. “Patrick Arlettaz called me after the last Top 14 semi-final, around midnight! I was sleeping and I didn’t pick up, remembers Dubois. I woke up shortly after and tried to call him back but couldn’t get him. I received the summons around 1:30 a.m. and I can say that I had a lot of trouble getting back to sleep after that because of the excitement.”

So abrupt return to work, near Marcoussis. “It had been 15 days since I had cut and getting back into the swing of things was a little difficult”admitted the person concerned, whose season had ended on the evening of the 26th and final day, in Pau.



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