Stade Toulousain – Bordeaux-Bègles Final: “No one compares to Dupont…” How Maxime Lucu approaches his duel with Toulousain

Stade Toulousain – Bordeaux-Bègles Final: “No one compares to Dupont…” How Maxime Lucu approaches his duel with Toulousain
Stade Toulousain – Bordeaux-Bègles Final: “No one compares to Dupont…” How Maxime Lucu approaches his duel with Toulousain

the essential
The two scrum halves of the French XV will face each other on Friday during the Top 14 final. And their match in the match will inevitably be watched closely.

A finale without little stories wouldn’t really be a finale. And the match within the match between Antoine Dupont and Maxime Lucu is one of those little stories within the big one. A duel which will be attentively followed by most observers.

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On one side, Antoine Dupont, the best player in the world and playing master of Stade Toulousain who will experience his fourth Top 14 final. On the other, Maxime Lucu, scrum-half of UBB who will compete him, the first final of his career.

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If we were to compare the two number 9s we already see that the Girondin took part in more matches than the Toulousain this season in Top 14. 18 for Lucu against 13 for Dupont but the latter was more effective in the scoring zone by scoring four tries against one for his opponent. A specificity of Bigourdan which is explained in particular by its habit of always being in support inside. Conversely, the Bordelo-Béglais takes responsibility for the penalties within his team and is rather successful in this exercise, as we were able to observe during the semi-final against Stade Français ( 3/4).

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The divine bald of the UBB has nothing to be ashamed of

Asked about meeting the Toulouse prodigy face to face with him, Maxime Lucu did not want to speak too much: “We know very well that Antoine is the regulator of Toulouse. We have to do what we did here (against Stade Français), defend collectively and not only target him […] But rubbing shoulders with Antoine is always something interesting. »

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Admiring his youngest child (27 years old for Dupont compared to 31 for Lucu) whom he rubs shoulders with throughout the year in the blue jersey of the French team, the divine bald man from Bordeaux has nothing to be ashamed of. And he can count on his manager Yannick Bru to remind him that he is also full of quality. “In the UBB family, we are extremely proud to have Max with us. Beyond his talent, what he brought us in the length and precision of his kicking game in the game, Max is a coach on the field, who brings the leadership we need on the field. field. Max brings so much to our team that we are extremely proud to have him as he is. »

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And even if according to Bru, “no one compares to Antoine Dupont”, the match within the match between the two men will necessarily be watched closely.



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