How much will OM recover for the departure of Iliman Ndiaye?

How much will OM recover for the departure of Iliman Ndiaye?
How much will OM recover for the departure of Iliman Ndiaye?

Rayane Benmokrane Professional journalist following OM (Olympic Marseille). Covers news from OM and the OM transfer window for Marseille media outlet Football Club de Marseille. Director of the show Débat Foot Marseille (“La Voix”). Trained at the Marseille journalism school.

It is confirmed for the departure of Iliman Ndiaye to Everton! RMC Sport informed us this Monday that the sum of the transfer would be around 20 million euros.

Nearly 19 million euros for the departure of Iliman Ndiaye to Everton? In any case, this is what RMC Sport is saying this Monday after several pieces of information pointing in this direction. The Senegalese will therefore only stay one season in Marseille.

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I told him one day, Ili, people, they love you here, so play your football, have fun

In an interview given to The Team, Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang returned to his role within the Marseille squad and in particular with Iliman Ndiaye: “ It’s super interesting to be the leader of a young attack. I try to give advice. They call me the old guy, I’m the old one in the locker room. I know that every word can count for them, so I always try to give the right motivation. By giving confidence. They need to know they have talent, otherwise they wouldn’t be here. I am the proof: at the beginning, it was hard, but we get back up. They must not give up, especially Ili (Ndiaye). I told him one day: ‘people, they love you here, you’re lucky, everyone dreams that you explode because you come from here, so play your football, have fun’. I like Ili, he can pull something crazy out of you at any time. »



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