Romain Buros, UBB’s security asset

Romain Buros, UBB’s security asset
Romain Buros, UBB’s security asset

Within a flamboyant attack line, the Bordeaux back brings his calm, his composure and his efficiency. Precious before challenging the Toulouse of Thomas Ramos.

It is not on him that the light is shed. But he is an essential cog of the Union Bordeaux-Bègles, opposed Friday to Toulouse in the final of the Top 14. Within an attack line described as “patrouille de France”, Romain Buros shines by his sober efficiency, his regular flashes of brilliance and his infallible safety at the full-back position. Proof – if proof were needed – of the confidence that Yannick Bru and his staff have in him: he is the UBB player who has been the most starters this season (26 matches), definitively pushing aside his rival at the position of 15, Nans Ducuing. His teammate, the scrum-half Maxime Lucu, praises the quality of his kicking game “which has become one of its strengths”. And to add: “He is very hard-working, he stays a lot after training to correct his faults.”

On the ground, Romain Buros is UBB’s security asset. Always fair in his interventions with the ball in hand, impeccable under high balls and formidable in his kicking game. After the semi-final won against Stade Français, the player from Aire-sur-l’Adour (in the Landes) where he started rugby at five years old and who launched his professional career at the Section Paloise (2015 -2018), enjoyed it but didn’t intend to stop there. “A lot of people talked to us about those three lost semi-finals but, honestly, it wasn’t a topic in our preparation. It was on everyone’s mind, obviously, but we didn’t talk about it too much, he advanced. We wanted to write our history, continue to move UBB forward and climb this final step.”

We know that we have to tackle a huge challenge, a monument, to succeed in achieving what everyone is waiting for.

Romain Buros

Now time for the Toulouse mountain. A team that UBB has only beaten twice in their last ten confrontations, the last dating back to the end of March at Matmut Atlantique (31-28). “We know that we have to tackle a big challenge, a monument, to succeed in achieving what everyone is waiting for”, insists the Girondin number 15, who will find himself facing one of the world references in the position, Thomas Ramos. For a shock at the top, facing the back of the XV of France. While Buros was called up by Fabien Galthié and his staff, he was even called up for the summer tours in Australia and Japan, but he never had his chance in blue.

Hence a legitimate frustration. “I make sure to progress in all areas of the position, advance Romain Buros. Not only for the French team, but to be the best possible back, especially in our system. The primary objective is to perform when you play and not to get bored because I’m not in the French groups even if it’s ch…” His only fault for the XV of France? He does not stumble unlike his rivals, Thomas Ramos or Melvyn Jaminet.

“The main thing is that I’m happy with myself. After that, I hope that one day, I’ll wear the blue jersey…”

“I will never fail, he admitted to our colleagues at AFP. Quite simply because, to succeed today, you have to be at 80 or 90% success. I haven’t scored since I was young, you can’t learn that by snapping your fingers and what’s more, to be a scorer at a club, you have to have a certain legitimacy. It’s up to me to highlight other qualities to try to integrate the group differently.” The success of UBB, present in the final at the end of the season, may have deprived him of a new chance against the Argentinians on tour.

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“It’s hard to say it’s not an obsessionhe confided recently. Which Top 14 rugby player says: “No, I don’t want to be in the French team” ? That would be lying. I do the best I can, I think I’m making progress but right now it’s not my choice not to be there. I would like to be there of course but I don’t worry too much, it’s no use.” And to stay focused on his (excellent) performances with the UBB: “The main thing is that I am happy with myself. Afterwards I hope that one day I will wear the blue jersey…”



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