Rugby League: Dragons make their third recruit official

Rugby League: Dragons make their third recruit official
Rugby League: Dragons make their third recruit official

Two days after the announcement of a three-year contract for Australian centre Nick Čotrić, the Dragons club have made official the recruitment of Salford’s English pillar, Oliver Partington, for two seasons.

At the beginning of March, we already reported on the rapprochement between the Catalans Dragons club and the Salford player whose contract ends on November 30. The Dragons even tried to attract Partington (25 years old) this season, but his coach Paul Rowley did not want to part with one of his pack leaders.

“I am grateful to have the opportunity to sign for a big club and I look forward to joining the Dragons and meeting the team and its supporters”, spoke the pillar or third row, originally from Wigan and who made his professional debut in 2018, with Sam Tomkins, Romain Navarrete and Tom Davies. After five seasons at Wigan (91 matches), Partington (1.82 m and 94 kg) joined Salford last season (34 matches to date), with a starting place in the third row position.

Already five recruits for 2025

“Ollie is a great signing for the club. He is a very competitive young player who brings a lot of aggression. He knows how to combine his physical attributes with his agility on the ball. He is the type of player that other players love to play with.”added coach Steve McNamara, who brought him there.

Oliver Partington is the club’s third signing for the 2025 season, following the official signings of winger Tommy Makinson (St-Helens) and centre Nick Čotrić (Canberra). Other players expected to join the trio include England second row Elliott Whitehead (Canberra) and Australian playmaker Luke Keary (Sydney Roosters). Remember that in the other direction, Tom Davies (Hull KR), Tom Johnstone, Mike McMeeken (Wakefield) and Jordan Abdull (Hull FC), have already announced their departure from the club.



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