Olympic Games: war differently: a podcast to listen to online

Olympic Games: war differently: a podcast to listen to online
Olympic Games: war differently: a podcast to listen to online

For LSD, Michel Pomarède tells the history of the Olympic Games as a field of confrontation first between cities in the ancient period then between nations since their renovation in 1894.

At a certain level, sport no longer has anything to do with fair play. It brings into play hatred, jealousy, boasting, contempt for all the rules and the sadistic pleasure that the spectacle of violence provides: in other words, it is nothing more than a war without shots fired. . “. Said George Orwell, in December 1945 about the Moscow Dynamo tour of Great Britain which allowed Soviet players to compete against British athletes.

Well before Orwell – in the 2nd century BC – Pausanias in his “Description of the Greece” chronicles the athletic exploits as a preparation of the Greek citizen for war against the rival cities of Athens. This is what Pierre de Coubertin ignored when he renewed the Olympic Games from 1894 with the utopian project of peace between nations through sport. Objective: use the Olympic Games as a sounding board for the power of states. Athletes are asked to respect the Olympic charter which imposes strict neutrality on them. Silence in the ranks !

A documentary series of Michel Pomarèdeproduced by Yvon Croizier.


  • Nicolas Bancel, Pascal Blanchard, Gilles Boëtsch, Daphné Bolz, Yvan Gastaut, Sandrine Lemaire and Stéphane Mourlane: A global history of Olympism 1896-2024. Atlande Editions.
  • Raphael Verchère: Sport and merit, history of a myth. Political philosophy of the body in democracy, published by Volcan.
  • Emmanuel Bayle: The Olympic system, Past, present and future at Presses polytechniques et universitaire romandes.
  • Jean-Manuel Roubineau: Milon de Crotone or the invention of sport. PUF Editions
  • Jean-Manuel Roubineau: The early days. PUF Editions
  • Jean-Loup Chappelet: The Olympic community, governance of a global socio-cultural commons. Editions l’Harmattan.
  • Jean-François Bourg: Doping. Editions la Découverte
  • Daphné Bolz: The totalitarian arenas. Fascism, Nazism and sports propaganda. CNRS éditions.
  • Julie Demeslay in Man & Society. Editions Association for Research Synthesis in Human Sciences.
  • Pascal Gillon: A geopolitical reading of the Olympic system. Armand Collin.
  • Éric Monnin, Christophe Maillard: For a typology of boycotts at the Olympic Games. International relations 2015. PUF Editions
  • Patrick Clastres: Coubertin, peace through sport. Rennes University Press
  • François-Guillaume Lorrain: the boy who ran. Editions Sarbacane
  • Benoît Heimermann: Hitler’s champions. Editions Stock and I remember the stride of Marie-Jo Pérec, and other sporting madeleines. Editions du Seuil
  • Sophie Danger: Alice Milliat or the Olympic woman. Editions Les Pérégrines
  • Angélique Nouvel and Flavien Villard: The Olympic Games or the incredible story of Kallipateira. Published by Belles Lettres.
  • Jean-Marie Brohm: The Olympic myth. Coubertin and the athletic religion. QS? Editions


OLYMPISM, A HISTORY OF THE WORLDFrom the first Olympic Games in Athens 1896 to the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris 2024 /April 26 – September 8, 2024/ Palais de la Porte Dorée

Olympism, a modern invention, an ancient heritageThe Louvre/April 24 – September 16, 2024



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