UEFA is taking a strong measure, which will delight…Kevin De Bruyne – All football

UEFA is taking a strong measure, which will delight…Kevin De Bruyne – All football
UEFA is taking a strong measure, which will delight…Kevin De Bruyne – All football

UEFA has decided not to apply the same injury time rules as during the World Cup in Qatar, reports the British newspaper The Times.

At the last World Cup, FIFA referees were instructed to add extra time for goal celebrations, substitutions, injuries, penalties and red cards. This sometimes led to a quarter of an hour or more of added time.

Instead, UEFA decided to add very little extra time, similar to the Champions League. The move is backed by players’ union FIFPro, which has long expressed reservations about the heavy burden placed on top-level footballers due to an overcrowded schedule. The union is convinced that less additional time will benefit the players by reducing the physical load.

A decision that will please…Kevin De Bruyne

Kevin De Bruyne has in the past criticized FIFA’s rules regarding injury time. According to him, these rules lengthen matches unnecessarily because they create an additional burden for the players. De Bruyne called for a more balanced approach to injury time.

UEFA’s choice to limit the amount of added time addresses these concerns. By adding less time, matches can be played in a more normal length, reducing the overall load on players. This is particularly important given the busy schedule many top footballers face.

UEFA’s decision highlights the difference in approach between the European body and FIFA. While FIFA seeks to maximize effective playing time, UEFA opts for a more attentive approach to the physical load of players.



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