Thugs caused thousands of dollars in damage to Roxton Pond Golf Club

The owners of Le Rocher de Roxton Pond golf club had an unpleasant surprise when they showed up at their course Thursday morning when criminals caused more than $10,000 in damage to their facilities during the night.

The damage caused by electric cars is clearly visible on the Roxton Pond Rock route.

Photo provided by Chantal Beaudoin

“They broke down the garage where we store electric carts,” explains co-owner Chantal Beaudoin at Newspaper. They took out four and went to do donuts on three greens, including the practice one. They also broke rakes and flags along the way.

“They got paid for it! It shocks me so much that innocent people come to sabotage our work!”

In total, five carts, an industrial garage door, a door and flags were broken during the rampage. As for the greens, the construction costs of which can be around $100,000 depending on the size, they will not have to be replaced despite the wheel marks which are clearly visible.

The criminals used the sand traps as a launching pad with the electric carts.

Photo provided by Chantal Beaudoin

Maintaining a green is not like maintaining a residential plot. The grass is cut and watered daily so that players have ideal playing conditions.

“It will come back, but it will take time and love,” says Beaudoin. It’s going to cost me more in fertilizer and products to bring my greens back into good condition. What disgusts me is that the hot weather is coming. It’s going to be more problematic.

“However, when the greens don’t look good, word of mouth spreads to customers.”

Owners will file a police report in the hope of catching the people who caused damage to their facilities. Despite the events taking place around 2 a.m., the club is ready to welcome more than 200 golfers during the day on Thursday.



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