Daillens: human chain against the landfill project

Daillens: human chain against the landfill project
Daillens: human chain against the landfill project

In Daillens, a human chain against the landfill project

Published today at 3:52 p.m.

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Around a hundred people formed a human chain Monday afternoon in Daillens to mark their opposition to the Vernette landfill project. Their action was organized while the Court of Public Administrative Law (CDAP) was carrying out a local inspection of the site.

The demonstrators gathered along a field, around the southern perimeter of the Vernette, in order to show the CDAP judges “the impact of this disproportionate project” on the region, they wrote in their invitation to the population.

A multi-waste landfill

Retained by the canton of Vaud, the land located straddling Daillens and Oulens-sous-Échallens must accommodate a new landfill. Several types of waste must be transported there, type B (inert materials), D (slag from incineration plants) and E (polluted land).

The project sparked hundreds of oppositions. The canton lifted them before approving, in September 2022, the allocation plan. The opponents then took legal action and appealed to the CDAP.


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