Martin St-Louis’ shock solution to wake up the Canadian

Family stories and group spirit are beautiful, but there is a limit.

What the Montreal Canadiens need right now is to tighten the screws.

Martin St-Louis is the “close to the guys” coach, the one who motivates with speeches and accolades, but to turn around this team which is failing, he must become much more than that.

What CH needs is a culture of effort and rigor, and that starts with a coach who stops being the good friend of the players and becomes one who demands and imposes a high standard.

We see it: each match resembles a fight between a team which lets itself go too often and opponents who take advantage without embarrassment.

When effort is optional, that’s when the problems start.

The solution for St. Louis is to make effort an unwavering standard, not by tapping on the shoulder and hoping for a jump, but by dotting the “i”s without wavering.

Players must feel that nothing less than full commitment will be tolerated.

There, the message from St-Louis must be clear: a player who does not give his all on the ice has no place.

No more excuses, no more sweet motivational speeches.

Players, especially young people who are discovering the NHL, must understand that being part of the Canadiens is much more than a story of talent and great promises.

It is a culture of rigor, a responsibility towards the team and the fans.

The guys have to feel that the coach is there, not to spare them, but to remind them that every shift counts and that every second they are on the ice is an opportunity to prove that they deserve their place.

And we are not talking here about reprimands or public criticism; it is not a question of breaking the group spirit, but of strengthening it through demands.

The idea is that each player, from the youngest to the most experienced, feels the weight of this culture of effort.

Because deep down, talent has never been enough.

What makes the difference is this desire to surpass oneself, this pride in never giving up.

And that’s up to St. Louis to instill.

A player who knows that his coach expects everything from him, that changes the dynamic.

The message should be simple: “If you’re not willing to fight for this logo, someone else will take your place. »

Great teams are not those that shine with spectacular moves or dazzling statistics; they are the ones who give everything, all the time.

And if the Canadian wants to live up to its history, it’s time for Martin St-Louis to stop brushing his guys in the wrong direction and establish a standard where effort is non-negotiable.

Ultimately, that’s the solution.




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