“It’s fun”, a muddy but joyful Mécodaine for mountain bikers in the vineyards

“It’s fun”, a muddy but joyful Mécodaine for mountain bikers in the vineyards
“It’s fun”, a muddy but joyful Mécodaine for mountain bikers in the vineyards

Another huge party yesterday in the Médoc vineyards! Nearly 7,200 mountain bikers took part in the 24th edition of Médocaine, the largest general public mountain bike ride in France. Always with this rule of 3D: discovery, tasting and disguise!


The lucky participants of the day were able to cross nearly 50 castles wine appellations Margaux, Haut-Médoc, Moulis, Listrac and Bordeaux Supérieur with the program 17 tastings in a festive atmosphere, on 7 routes ranging from 27 to 80 kilometers. Despite the small joy of the day (it did not rain), the mountain bikers were treated to very special conditions after weeks, even months, of rain in the Gironde.

Jocelyn is a regular: “This is the first year where we have had this start in the mud, in the mud and in the mud (smiles)”. And a few kilometers further, it’s already sentencing time for him with “running shoes that will undoubtedly end up in the trash”. But first he will have to complete the 68 terminals of his circuit with his feet in the water. “Frankly, we put it everywhere, we’re going to be miserable (laughs) but it’s cool, the mud, it adds spice”, laughs Gaëtan with one of the lightest disguises of the race.

And not a drop of water on the big day

In the middle of Château Giscours, Loïc recovers. He’s a little bit Marseillais around the edges: “There are a few puddles of water one meter high but it’s nothing. We can feel that storms have passed through not there.” And Nicolas prefers to make fun of his friends: “He did a good dive and he fell. The problem is that a puddle is a swimming pool for him because of its size (smiles).” And if some manage to stay clean, we can count on Baptiste who “Let your friends go to the right or left because I’ll go straight in and splash them!”

All this with a few glasses of wine to enjoy in between. Baptiste is having a great moment: “It’s good luck, I’m already here. All we need is a little sun but I’m sure it will arrive eventually.” What is less certain is whether Loïc and Nicolas will see the finish line: “I have doubts (laughs)… We are in the first castles, we have 17 in all, we will see in the end what state we are in!” Surely happy, and above all, very muddy!



NEXT Memorial Cup: Owen Beck and the Spirit head to the final, dominating Moose Jaw 7 to 1