Sunny days should not rhyme with litter

Sunny days should not rhyme with litter
Sunny days should not rhyme with litter

In the context of the delay in the Lausanne station construction site, the Lausanne metro projects m2 and especially m3 have been rethought. The future third track will be built for itself and therefore disconnected from the m2, the City and Canton of Vaud announced on Thursday.

The m3 metro will follow its own path under Lausanne. The canton of Vaud, the City of Lausanne and the tl presented this Thursday the progress of the metro improvement project in the Vaud capital. Its route will be shifted to the west of the current tunnel between the station and Flon, in the future double-track tunnel initially planned to widen the m2. Thus modified, the m3 route will directly connect the station to Chauderon, without stopping at Flon, before heading as planned towards the Blécherette plateau, to the northwest of the Vaud capital.

The project as presented in 2018 included major drawbacks, explains Nuria Gorrite, Vaud Minister of Infrastructure.

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But in the context of the delay in the Lausanne station construction site, is the construction of the m3 still relevant? The response from Olivier Français, president of the project steering committee.

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As for public transport in the Lausanne region, we are planning a renewal of the automation of the m2 trains. Because in 2023, this popular line has transported more than 35 million people, or 10 million more than its capacity. Tinetta Maystre, President of the Board of Directors of tl.

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Le Flon and Place Chauderon reimagined

Place Chauderon is therefore set to become a new mobility hub. There will thus be three main centers combining the different modes of public transport with metro, train and bus connections: the Gare center (m2/m3/CFF/bus), the Flon center (m1/m2/LEB/tram) and the Chauderon center (m3/LEB/BHNS/bus/tram), which will ultimately accommodate more than 90,000 daily passengers by 2035, the equivalent of the Flon station today.

We find Olivier Français, president of the project steering committee.

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Several steps are necessary before laying the first stone of the m3 metro. In particular, there will be validation by the Grand Council of the budget of 2 billion. he project steering committee is banking on 2034, the year the work on the Lausanne station square will be completed.

Lena Vulliamy with Keystone ATS



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