Olympic Games 2024 – Football. The list of players who have already had authorization to play the Games

Olympic Games 2024 – Football. The list of players who have already had authorization to play the Games
Olympic Games 2024 – Football. The list of players who have already had authorization to play the Games

Thierry Henry’s list to compete in the Paris 2024 Olympic Games is expected in the coming days. The coach of the French Olympic team will call up 18 players, including three over 23 years old as authorized by the regulations. Above all, he will have to obtain authorization from each of the clubs of the selected elements. If some have already received approval, others like Kylian Mbappé are still waiting.

Ligue 1 clubs said yes

In recent months, several players from the French hopefuls team have already made known their intention to compete in the Olympic Games. Always on the same refrain, like Castello Lukeba. “I don’t see why anyone would stop me from going. I’m not worried, I’m rather optimistic.”, he indicated in the columns of Le Figaro. Same story with Kephren Thuram, OGC Nice midfielder. “Of course I want to do the Euro and the Olympics. If I’m on the list, I go straight there. »

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In Lyon, Pierre Sage has already indicated that the Rhone club was ready to make its players available. Notably Rayan Cherki, regularly called up by Thierry Henry for the French youth team. “The club has positioned itself, we are rather in favor of them (the players) going there. For a club called Olympique Lyonnais, it would be a shame if the players did not participate in the Olympic Games… “

In attack, while waiting for Kylian Mbappé’s response, Elye Wahi should be the spearhead at the Olympics. The RC Lens player already has the support of the Artesian club. “I think it’s such a magnificent competition to experience that as a coach, I can’t see myself saying no to a player », explained Franck Haise during the season. But the technician could leave Artois. Enough to call into question Wahi’s participation in the Games?

Stade Rennais, not excited?

Still in the North, in Lille, Lucas Chevalier is already in full preparation for the Games despite a meniscal lesion in his left knee. “Lucas (Chevalier) is very good. I think he needs six weeks. He will be ready for the national team and the Olympic Games”, explained Paulo Fonseca, about to leave Losc. Other Lille residents could join Thierry Henry’s list, such as Leny Yoro and Bafodé Diakité. Here too, it remains to be seen whether a change of coach could change the club’s positions.

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So far, only one club has expressed a contrary opinion, Stade Rennais. Through its sports director, Florian Maurice, who is also leaving for OGC Nice, the club is not excited about the Olympics. “You can understand that releasing four starting players from Stade Rennais in a competition which is indeed fantastic… You also have to understand the clubs. I believe that there is a very, very big club (Real Madrid) which has been very clear and very clear on this”, explained Florian Maurice with references to Adiren Truffert, Désiré Doué, Arnaud Kalimuendo, even Benjamin Bourigeaud. The mission is therefore very difficult for Thierry Henry behind the scenes who must manage to convince the clubs behind the scenes to release their players in order to have the best possible team on the pitch.

They are sure not to go to the Olympics

Most of the refusals concerning the Olympic Games come mainly from players over 23 years old, whose quota has been limited to three since 1992. A time mentioned to occupy the French attack, Alexandre Lacazette threw a big cold to the from the 34th day of Ligue 1. “It looks like a great adventure.” When you are 33, 34 years old, you need good preparation at my age to perform well. A lot of things come into play”, indicated the Lyon number 10 at the microphone of Canal +. Olivier Giroud also drew a line under the Games after signing for Los Angeles FC. Kylian Mbappé is suspended from the decision of his probable future club, Real Madrid. The Spanish club has already made it known that none of its internationals will be allowed to join an Olympic team.



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