Top 14 – “Mickey’s tail for the Bayonnais!” : the opinion of Midol de – Racing 92

Top 14 – “Mickey’s tail for the Bayonnais!” : the opinion of Midol de – Racing 92
Top 14 – “Mickey’s tail for the Bayonnais!” : the opinion of Midol de Bayonne – Racing 92

The Bayonnais easily disposed of the Racingmen this Saturday. Particularly thanks to the performance of an excellent Baptiste Chouzenoux on the touchline, the latter almost didn’t take part, he is preparing to become a father for the second time.

What could have possibly disturbed the Bayonnais this Saturday? The fairgrounds who had surrounded the Jean Dauger stadium with their trucks since the beginning of the morning to make their demands heard, regretting that the municipality had changed the dates of the festivals? It’s true, the Top 14 is a great showcase to echo these requests. But Jean-Dauger’s public, for whom his club is above all not touched, responded with indifference. The kick-off was given on time. In a concert of horns which was heard for almost half-time and which, however, did not cover the notes of the “Peña Baiona”… nor the announcements of the players on the sidelines. So Baptiste Chouzenoux caught Mickey’s tail much more often than Cameron Woki. He who throughout the week did not know whether or not he would get on the “roller coaster”, his wife being about to give birth. “We gave ourselves the means so that he could playsays Grégory Patat. I talked to him all week. The deal was that if his wife went to the hospital, he wouldn’t play. I knew he could disrupt the opposing lineup. When you start to get into your opponent’s head, it’s difficult for him. And Baptiste knew his counterparts by heart. It was more than positive.” Well seen! The third line flew over the sidelines with two stolen balls and none of his own lost. “Baptiste is very good at analyzing the opposing touch” recognized Cameron Woki who was also beating his chest. “I don’t deny his qualities but it’s mainly my fault. I am responsible for the announcements.“We don’t know if Baptiste Choueznoux will go to the maternity ward with a stuffed toy…



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