Girondins de , the social drama

Girondins de , the social drama
Girondins de Bordeaux, the social drama

Placed in receivership following its administrative demotion, the flagship club of must go through a terrible social plan.

The dreaded news came this week. No less than 97 employees of the Girondins de Bordeaux have been notified of their upcoming dismissal – the direct consequence of the legal recovery facing the FCGB since its administrative demotion to National 2.

According to the inevitable employment protection plan (PSE) validated last week by the Bordeaux Commercial Court, the scapular club, which now plays in the fourth division, will only have to operate with around ten employees, reports Blue .

Compensation to be reimbursed later by the FCGB

The new organization chart will then consist of “a general manager, a financial director, an administrative director, a marketing/communication manager with three people under his responsibility, a stadium manager, a security manager , an event manager and a steward.”

The social plan is estimated in its entirety at 6 or 7 million euros. The compensation, of the order of 62,000 and 93,000 euros depending on the seniority of the staff, will be covered by the salary guarantee scheme (AGS). The club will have to reimburse the content at the end of the recovery procedure.




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