VOLLEY BALL: Framatome ahead of Alstom, Safranc and Industeel for the opening of the Inter-company Challenge

Volley Ball all in pink to launch the Inter-company Challenge season. A generous first step with a nice check…

The first stage of the Intercompany Challenge took place Tuesday October 15. For the first time in more than 15 years, this was organized for the benefit of the League Against Cancer, as part of Pink October. A check for €600 was given to Ms. Ducerf, president of the association for the CUCM; in the presence of Arnaud Deleplanque Delegate for Sports and Guy Arnoud president of the Municipal Sports Office.
To kick off the season, 25 teams registered out of the 27 possible, with many regulars, enthusiasts, but also new people delighted to discover the friendly atmosphere of the Halle grounds. Successful team building for all these companies!

At the end of the 3 rounds, the In Extremis team from Framatome St Marcel won ahead of the Teugnes from Alstom. The Safran team, Les Licornes Black completes the podium.
Le Creusot Volley Ball thanks the City of Le Creusot for providing the Hall and its equipment. Thanks to the partner companies of the evening who contributed to the supply of the prizes awarded to the winners: AXA agency Delin, Bouhand Economie d’Energie, Burger King, Ligue contre le Cancer, Le Crystana and Tivane florist.
Finally, thanks to the CVB volunteers for organizing and hosting the evening.
Le Creusot Volley Ball informs you that leisure volleyball sessions will take place on Tuesdays for those who wish to play volleyball regularly.
SAVE THE DATE: on October 22, Le Creusot Volley Ball offers a free Health Volleyball session, supervised by a Volleyball Federation professional. The session will take place from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Club contacts: [email protected] or www.creusotvolleyball.com

The ranking of the 1st stage:4d8ee80770.jpg





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