Antwerp derby canceled? Bart De Wever gets involved! – All football

Antwerp derby canceled? Bart De Wever gets involved! – All football
Antwerp derby canceled? Bart De Wever gets involved! – All football

Beerschot supporters are furious with their team’s start to the season, and want to make it known. The Antwerp derby therefore seemed in danger, but the city’s mayor, Bart De Wever, calmed things down.

This weekend, a high-tension Antwerp derby will be held between Antwerp and Beerschot at Bosuil. The Beerschot ultras have already warned that they intend to express their dissatisfaction in the event of an unsatisfactory performance from their team, bottom of the Jupiler Pro League with one point in 8 games.

The Antwerp police are therefore on alert as this meeting approaches. Het Laatste Nieuws tells us that the Pro League and the police are in discussions, in order to assess the risks posed by the derby. Bart De Wevermayor of the City, could also have decided to cancel the match.

But the strong man of the NVA calmed things down. “The derby must remain a celebration of the city of Antwerp. The objective is clearly not to cancel the match, that would be a very radical solution which would not is not on the agenda”, assures De Wever in HLN.

“It would be very regrettable if the Beerschto ultras carried out their threats because it would not be in the interest of many other supporters, including Beerschot,” said Bart De Wever. Additional controls will be put in place to prevent any overflow.

Beerschot travels to Antwerp this Sunday at 1:30 p.m. as part of the 9th day of the Jupiler Pro League. The Rats have 1 point out of 24, while the Great Old is 3rd with 13 points.



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