By taking over AS Saint-Etienne at the end of last May, the Kilmer Sport fund also inherited the debts of the Saint-Etienne team. As of June 30, 2024, they amounted to just over 37 million euros, as mentioned in the accounts for the 2023-2024 financial year that Sports consulted and of which we recently gave you the details.
A PGE contracted during Covid
Borrowings and financial debts constitute the majority, amounting to 14.2 million euros. ASSE notably obtained (like the vast majority of professional clubs at the time), a loan guaranteed by the state (PGE) at the time of the Covid crisis. This was 10 million euros, the Greens still have 4.7 million to repay, while specifying that they are up to date with the deadlines.
Mostly short-term debts
The rest is supplier debt (€7.14 million), tax and social security debt (6.8), debt on fixed assets (€3.2 million) and other debts represent 1.1 million euros. That's a total close to 37.5 million euros at the end of last season. Of this amount, the vast majority (20.5 million euros) is to be repaid over one year, 2.9 million are over more than one year and almost three million euros are over five years.