Jordan Bardella calls on Michel Barnier not to be “the continuer” of Emmanuel Macron’s policy


The National Rally continues to put pressure on the new Prime Minister Michel Barnier. On Monday, September 16, the president of the far-right party, Jordan Bardella, warned on RTL:

“If Michel Barnier is the successor to a policy that has been led by Emmanuel Macron for (seven) years and was very severely defeated at the ballot box in the European and legislative elections (…) then this government will fall.”

Without going so far as to promise automatic censorship, Jordan Bardella also believes that a government with Gérald Darmanin, Éric Dupond-Moretti and Xavier Bertrand would simply amount to “Macronism changing its shop window”.

The National Rally does not “want institutional disorder”, finally specifies the president of the Le Pen party.

“The country needed a Prime Minister and the condition that we put on the table with Marine Le Pen was consideration for the leading party in France and in particular consideration for the voters of the National Rally,” adds Jordan Bardella.

As proof of his future goodwill, the leader of the RN assures: “if Mr. Barnier echoes the aspirations expressed by millions of French people, then we will vote on the texts on a case-by-case basis.”

“I will judge on the evidence,” he concluded.

“Nothing can be done without us. Nothing can be done without the RN,” the young MEP has been rejoicing for several days, whose party has once again found itself at the centre of the game, after Emmanuel Macron’s choice of a Prime Minister from the right.

Since the recent appointment of the former European Commissioner to Matignon, the extreme right now holds a negotiating position. And excludes a priori censure of the future government.

“I will judge Mr. Barnier by his actions, not by his words,” Jordan Bardella declared to the press on September 7th at the Châlons-en-Champagne fair (Marne).

“I will judge on the evidence so that the Prime Minister and the future government can not only get to work, but can be attentive to the demands that are now ours,” he also declared, assuring that the new head of government is now “under democratic surveillance.”

“However, this “does not mean that we are prohibiting all forms of censorship in the coming months,” he warned.



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