Le Pen calls for referendum on priority issues

The leader of the National Rally (RN) deputies, Marine Le Pen, called on Emmanuel Macron on Sunday 8 September to use a referendum to give the people a voice on priority issues and defuse the blockages in the Assembly.

“Emmanuel Macron himself, in the chaos he has created, has levers that allow our democracy to live, starting with the referendum, which we have completely forgotten,” declared Marine Le Pen during her back-to-school speech in her stronghold of Hénin-Beaumont, in Pas-de-Calais.

“We have suffered too much since 2017 from the proliferation of major debates, citizens’ conventions, in short from all these gadgets used to mimic direct democracy without ever implementing it,” she mocked.

No “carte blanche” for the Barnier government

The RN “will unreservedly support any approach aimed at giving the people the power to decide directly”, because “this will make it possible to defuse as much as possible the blockages that will inevitably arise in the National Assembly and also to give the French people, after several decades of referendum parsimony and after the democratic scandal (…) of the referendum flouted in 2005, the opportunity to address priority issues”, she added.

She cites purchasing power, immigration, security and health as some of the hot topics.

“We will not give carte blanche” to Michel Barnier’s government, insisted Marine Le Pen. “If over the weeks the French were to be forgotten or mistreated again, we will not hesitate to censure the government.”

- BFMTV.com


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