Boccia’s version on La7: from the “stolen” phone call to the other women, the blackmail and the photos

Boccia’s version on La7: from the “stolen” phone call to the other women, the blackmail and the photos

“No, I’m not happyabsolutely, he deserved that place, he is a very competent person, in my opinion also a brave person“. Mary Rosaria Boccia he comments like this – in the interview given to In Onda are La7 – the resignation of Gennaro Sangiuliano as Minister of Culture. For the 41-year-old at the center of the scandal that has overwhelmed the now ex-minister, Sangiuliano “found himself in a situation that he couldn’t manage“. Was he wrong to leave? “Maybe today after all the media storm it was necessarybut he could not do it, saying the truth from the very beginning,” he replies in the interview.

“If the minister” Sangiuliano “had told the truth, I would not be here. I only rectified the lies of the minister. And I continue to do so, unfortunately. If I am a spy? Absolutely not. I wasn’t spying the minister, I worked with him”, said Maria Rosaria Boccia: “I’m not afraid of the investigationI simply told the truth.”

Regarding the phone call from wifeBoccia explained that it was Sanguliano who called her “and he he left the phone open and he made me listen. I was not with the minister when he spoke with his wife, I never met the lady and I never heard him speak on the phone with his wife. Never. I was able to listen to this audio because the minister in a conversation at his home with his wife he called me and left the phone open without his wife’s knowledge and I listened to the conversation”, says Maria Rosaria Boccia who, when asked if it was not her who violated the woman’s privacy, replies: “I did not violate it”. In that conversation “the wife he asked to tear up the nomination. So, I wonder, was the nomination snatched up on the whim of a woman or because I didn’t have the skills?”, Boccia urges.

Then there is the photo chapter. “The minister received an email who said that there were those photosI don’t publish them, for me it’s a sort of blackmail“: it is a passage from the interview of Maria Rosaria Boccia to In OndaThe entrepreneur responded to a request for clarification on a passage from her interview with The Press in which he had spoken of the fact that in his opinion Sangiuliano was “under blackmail”. “Who are these people he should say it. I can say that there are directors of weekly magazines” she told the newspaper. “They didn’t publish them – Boccia jokes – because they are good-hearted people?”. The 41-year-old assures however “the minister and I we have never been in a doctor’s office together“, referring to rumors of a photo shoot that portrayed them leaving a medical center.

Then he also refers to other women. “I ask the minister to tell the truth. In this truth there is not only me and the minister, many many women are involved that we are not mentioning. I ask the minister to tell the truth about us,” Boccia said. “I think that this whole situation should be put out as soon as possible, without doing further harm to anyone and without involving people who have not been involved to date,” he explained. “It is disrespectful to say this and for the minister to continue to say inaccurate things, increasingly widening the circle of lies and the number of people who could enter this abyss. I don’t want to be thrown away to cover up other things. I don’t agree,” he added.

He still demands an apology: “I want the excuses by the man, for me and for my family. He is the one who put me in the public square, I was neither a political figure nor a showbiz figure”. “Until 10 days ago nobody knew me and my life was fantastic. Now what is it? Not exactly simple”, Boccia explained.


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