The royal family of Monaco, gathered for its traditional back-to-school picnic

The royal family of Monaco, gathered for its traditional back-to-school picnic

The holidays are officially over in Monaco. To celebrate this return to calm and the end of summer festivities, the royal family held a highly anticipated event in Monaco. This Saturday, September 7, the sovereign, his wife Princess Charlene and their twins took part in the traditional Monegasques picnic “U Cavagnëtu” at the Princess Antoinette Park.

Impeccably dressed, twins Jacques and Gabriella (9 years old), accompanied their parents to attend the show organized by the dancers of the Palladienne. Very attentive to the choreographies, the two children observed this musical society perform in the park, sublime in their traditional uniforms. Created in 1921, the Palladienne is one of the oldest folk and mandolinist societies in Monaco.

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In a less formal outfit than last year, Charlene of Monaco opted for a red jumpsuit, leaving one of her shoulders bare. A bold choice that contrasted with the long belted floral blouse and wide black pants chosen in September 2023.

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A Patriotic Picnic

Open to all Monegasque citizens, more than 900 regulars would have come to attend the event. Opened by a religious ceremony, this traditional picnic then offered participants traditional songs by the U Cantin d’A Roca choir.

Amply supplied with provisions, the Monegasques were able to refresh themselves and eat their fill in front of the banquets set up for the occasion in the Parc Marie-Antoinette. Ice creams, socca, barbecue, fougasse and other specialties of Monaco delighted the guests’ stomachs.


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