The sorting of packaging increased by 23 % in one year and 85 % since 2021 in the Rhodanian Gard. The amount of household waste collected decreased by 19 % in one year and 50 % since 2021. On the other hand, despite the measures taken by town halls, incivility persists.
It's been a year since the incentive fee entered into force in the 44 municipalities of the Gard Rhodanian agglomeration, after a test year in 2023. The implementation of this system was and remains complicated for the agglo and the mayors who must work for pedagogy with citizens. For the inhabitants of the territory, the management of these new rules is systematically qualified as calamiteuse, especially in the city centers of Bagnols-sur-Cèze and Pont-Saint-Esprit. The two municipalities and their inhabitants were not ready for such a change: the system has been generalized while many collective habitats were still not equipped with closed cubicles. As a result, the garbage cans intended for residences were overflowing because passers -by threw their bags without the need to use a badge. “There has been a certain period before social landlords put things in placeconcedes Gérald Missour, Vice-President of the Agglo, delegate for waste collection and the territory project. Little by little, we have improvements. Any territory that sets up an incentive pricing goes through these moments which are not pleasant. “
488 fines for incivility in Bagnols
And it is true that for several months, the number of yellow and black bags illegally deposited next to the voluntary salaries has decreased. “There was also the work of the municipalities which was to verbalize. We regret it except at one point, we communicate, we explain, it's hard to do more.” Between October 13, 2023 and December 31, 2024, 488 fines were drawn up in Bagnols-sur-Cèze for illegal deposits thanks to nomadic cameras and on-site checks. Last year, from March to December, the city and service provider Nicollin picked up 547 tonnes of wild waste.
“The town hall does what it can, it's not 100 % of its faultnuance, moreover, Christophe Prévost, manager of the crêperie de la Place. Before the incentive fee [RI]everything was going well. There, it's the bazaar, it's dirty, there is a problem. But it is the Bagnolais who make the life of Bagnols. They must be more respectful of the rules. “
23 % increase for sorting packaging
For the year 2024, 10,800 tonnes of household waste was collected in the Agglo territory, 19 % less than in 2023 and almost 50 % less than in 2021, “Reference year because no communication on the RI had yet been carried out”. The production of household waste per year and per inhabitant increased from 273 to 145 kg in one year. The sorting of packaging has increased by 23 % since 2023 and 85 % since 2021. “The figures are very positiveunderlines Gérald Missour. This is the goal: to recover more recyclable material. ” Thanks to these results, the household waste collected are “Locally treated, mainly in burial in Bellegarde”. Despite these “Good results”the quality of sorting “Leave something to be desired”. “There are people in good faith who think they are sorting but unfortunately are wrong.” For example, one should not nest your packaging in each other in the yellow bag. If necessary, this requires, on the sorting platform, the intervention of a person. Poor sorting quality can then quickly increase the bill.
“How is this royalty incentive?”
For some residents, the pricing of this system is not suitable. “I compost my bio -waste, I have a reasonable mode of consumption, so I only used three lifes in 2024testifies Monique. I pay the same price as for 15 lifting [soit le nombre de levées accordées dans les forfaits des foyers disposant d’un bac individuel]. How is this royalty incentive? “ Agglo response: “We are thinking by package. There are territories that have set up a weight system and incivility have exploded. A system adapted to each individual or trade does not exist. We have chosen the system that allows the most equity, and which responds to four legislation. “ Result, sort better and tender towards zero waste to use as fewer lifting as possible costs the same price as using the number of levies included in the package. Gérald Missour insists: “Perhaps at the beginning, the communication was misunderstood but this pricing is not that household waste and yellow bags. I also pay for recycling centers, for green columns, paper, textiles … “
-The Agglo ensures that if the territory had not passed to this system, the household waste removal tax would have exploded by 30 % in 2024, as is the case in other territories. In the Rhodanian Gard, a drop in the pricing grid is not on the agenda. The inhabitants will pay the same price in 2025. On the other hand, Gérald Missour Alert: “If there is still too many incivility or bad sorting, costs will be able to increase.” On the quality of sorting, the agglomeration will set up a communication campaign to present the right gestures to adopt. To combat incivility, the yellow bags will be identifiable in the coming months.
What about associations?
Bagnols associations also had to ask themselves the question of managing their trash can with the disappearance of neighborhood containers. “Each municipality has the freedom to manage as it wishes with associations”indicates Gérald Missour. Some, hosted in premises cleaned by municipal services, do not manage their waste. This is particularly the case with the Cancer League, installed for a few months in the old tourist office. Others, like the RCBM, received an invoice at the end of 2024. “It is a package, unlike individuals who pay depending on the liftingindicate the leaders of the rugby club. We have a lot of waste between matches, events and training, the package is more suitable for us. But this is a cost that must now be included in the budget of the year. Before, we had no taxes. “
An invoice that increases when associations organize dance galas, shows or Bodega which do not take place in the multicultural room. They must rent in the containers day with the agglomeration. Some cheat and go directly through the service provider Nicollin to pay cheaper…
From one trash to the other …
Restaurants: the note is salty
Like all his counterparts, Jean-François Diaz, boss of O'Pauteto Place Mallet in Bagnols, will pay € 957 per year, this is the minimum package for professionals. “I am entitled to 188 openings per year. Or we work 230 days [il est obligé de jeter chaque jour la poubelle]. Additional opening costs 6 €. “ He has not yet paid his first invoice because the one he had received counted the maximum package, or € 2,243 (476 openings per year), which he disputed. By adding the € 957 package and the additional lifting, it could reach € 1,259. He like others try to juggle: there are several restaurateurs to say that some days, they take their loft bags at home, where they pay the royalty as an individual. Another Restaurant Share: “A thousand euros is a bit exaggerated. And still I'm lucky, I have a garden and chickens, so I bring to me all the bio -waste.” A city center merchant who does not produce household waste, only boxes and packaging, regrets: “It was not proposed to us, as announced, a solution to collect it from the boxes.” Before the boxes were picked up twice a week in the old center. “For professionals, there should be a price suitable for each activity”offers this merchant.
Adjustments in Bagnols and Pont-Saint-Esprit
The implementation of the incentive fee has been complex for everyone, and more particularly in cities. 2024 will have been a year when the municipalities of Bagnols and Pont-Saint-Esprit have made adjustments. In Pont, the team arrived at the controllers in the spring took the waste file in arms: the stories of garbage cans and cleanliness crystallized a lot of debates. She negotiated with the Agglo so that, in this summer 2024, the yellow bags deposited around voluntary contribution points are picked up every day, from Monday to Friday. “We negotiated for it was sustainable”confides Bernard SOI, the director of cabinet of the mayor. Thus, this was the case during the holiday season. For black trash cans, it's more complicated. “At the start of the year, we do a test on a building, the Monplaisir residence, a very well managed condominiumexplains the assistant to cleanliness and roads Jérôme Carminati. Residents asked to switch containers to the system of voluntary contribution points (with badge). The Agglo proposed that this residence be test for 30 -liter bags (instead of 50). They will be entitled to more opening (to less store at home) for the same volume for the year. If it works, we would like to generalize this system. “