Aude amateur rugby trophies: vote here for the best rugby school

L’Indépendant, the Aude Departmental Rugby Committee and the Evelyne agency are organizing the second Amateur Rugby Trophies in Aude. Vote on until October 1st to elect your favorites. Today, it’s time for the category dedicated to the best rugby school. Discover all the results on October 18th!

This trophy is sponsored by the Aude departmental council


The trophy rewarding the best rugby school rewards an entity for its commitment to its young people. This year, the rugby schools of Castelnaudary, Fleury-Salles-d’Aude-Coursan and Olonzac are nominated.

Castelnaudary Olympic Rugby

RO Castelnaudary.

In Castelnaudary, the EDR has existed since 1993 and has some 160 members, from babies to under-15 girls.Until now, we were a group including Castelnaudary, Villeneuve-la-Comptal, Bram and Montreal, among others.explains Arnaud Besio, head of the structure. For the season that is opening, we will only be in Castelnaudary”. During the last season, the rugby school has had some convincing results. The under-15 girls won the Occitan challenge, in particular.It should also be noted that the boys under 14 were able to play at A level, which allowed them to meet big French teams.he adds. They won almost three quarters of their games!”.
As the cherry on the cake, Arnaud Besio cannot help but mention the recent three-star certification of the rugby school.In Aude, there is only us. Even and do not have this third starhe says happily. It rewards infrastructure, the work of educators, we have just received the plaque!”

Fleury-Salles-Coursan Agreement

Fleury Salles Coursan Agreement.
Fleury Salles Coursan Agreement.

On the EFSC side, the rugby school is 10 years older than the club.It has existed since 1998says Gilbert Monestier, secretary of the rugby school and assistant secretary of the club. Last season, there was a gathering with Vinassan, for a total of 130 licensees, from 3 to 14 years old”. Last season, the EFSC EDR can boast of having organized a new challenge of the 4 bell towers.We finished first in the under-14 and under-12 categories. Overall, the EFSC won the tournament, to which we welcomed more than 100 teams and 1,000 kids.”. And to add: “The U13s have not lost any tournament they have entered.”
Each year, he estimates that the rugby school takes part in six tournaments, from April to June.Every year, after these tournaments, we are keen to take the young people somewhere for the weekend. This year, we went to , with water games, it was great”he says. For his part, he wants to revive a partnership that existed, for a time, between the EFSC and Bagnères-de-Bigorre, allowing exchanges between families of budding rugby players.

AS Olonzac-Minervois

AS Olonzac Minervois.
AS Olonzac Minervois.

The third and final rugby school cited this year in the Aude amateur rugby trophies is that of Olonzac. At its head, two co-presidents: Cécile Carquet and Philippe Maldonado. The duo has been associated with the head of the structure since the start of the 2023-2024 season. “Last season was pretty good for the rugby schoolthinks Philippe Maldonado. Whether it is in terms of results or team spirit and cohesion between children”The youngsters were also able to enjoy a trip, and the U12s stood out by winning the international tournament in Sitges, Spain.What is perhaps the secret to making the machine work well is certainly this very good understanding between the office, the educators, the children and their parents”says Cécile Carquet. Throughout the season, the rugby school has continued to offer different events and activities to young people: a lottery, children’s Christmas, but also equipment offered to the little ones.

It should be noted that the Olonzac rugby school received a star in the rugby school label. A great reward for a well-oiled structure. In one voice, Cécile and Philippe have a strong memory of this season: “It would be the entrance of our U12s on the field at the time of their final, in Sitges, in Spain. The whole club was there, from the youngest to the oldest. We all sang the Marseillaise, with tears in our eyes. It was a magnificent suspended moment”.



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