The CPR Dooleel PIT-Senegal, in a strong gesture, supports the PASTEF list despite some reservations. This decision is part of the desire to consolidate the change initiated by the election of Bassirou Diomaye Faye. The challenge is high: forming a National Assembly that is diverse, representative and capable of carrying out reforms.

“Support for the PASTEF list for the legislative elections of November 17, 2024

The leadership of Pastef has decided to go, under its own banner, during the next legislative elections on November 17, 2024, including some of the members of the President Diomaye Coalition. This decision was taken due to the short deadlines for compiling the electoral lists and due to delays in structuring the Coalition, not to mention the traumatic unitary experiences within Yewwi Askan Wi and the Intercoalition with the PDS . The CPR Dooleel PIT-Senegal takes note of this option, without sharing it entirely and warns against any attempt to compromise plural expression within the new Assembly.

Nevertheless, in line with the historic appeal that we launched to support the candidacy of Bassirou Diomaye Faye for the 2024 presidential election, it seems essential to us, today, to consolidate the dynamic of change underway, by offering the new regime a solid and qualified parliamentary majority. The time has come to provide Senegal with a National Assembly in tune with the deep aspirations of the people, ready to carry the vision of the citizen revolution initiated by the election of Bassirou Diomaye Faye to the supreme office.

Our support for supporting the Pastef list is justified by the confidence we have in the desire of its president, Prime Minister Ousmane Sonko, to create a synergy of progressive forces, carried by women and men who embody the diversity of our nation . Senegal is rich in its plurality: it is imperative that this richness finds an echo in the hemicycle, where representatives must sit who, beyond any partisan consideration, will put at the heart of their mandate the general interest, the meaning of responsibility and the perpetual quest for social justice. The next legislature will not be a simple formality, but an opportunity for a new generation of leaders to demonstrate their ability to transform our institutions, and above all, to restore trust between those governed and their elected officials.

The stakes of these elections go beyond simple electoral calculations. This is an unprecedented opportunity to fundamentally reform our legislative framework, renew political staff and place, within the National Assembly, citizens invested with a mission: that of reinventing our democracy. Indeed, future deputies from this coalition will have to implement a bold body of legislation, in line with the commitments made by President Bassirou Diomaye Faye. This will involve implementing the reforms necessary to build an authentic rule of law, where human rights, fundamental freedoms and social justice are no longer slogans but tangible realities. We therefore expect this parliamentary majority to act with rigor, vigilance and ambition to translate the promises of the citizens’ revolution into concrete actions.

This parliament, a temple of fruitful debates, will also have to work on implementing the conclusions of the National Conference. These meetings, the result of broad popular consultation, have identified clear directions for the future of our country. The new National Assembly will have the heavy but noble responsibility of adopting the most relevant measures, in the exclusive interest of our nation. It must be the mirror of a Senegal in full transformation, concerned with its unity, its development and the development of each citizen.

The CPR Dooleel PIT-Senegal therefore calls on all the active forces of the nation, particularly our fellow citizens who love justice, freedom and progress, to line up resolutely behind this common list. We firmly believe that diversity, both generational and identity-based, must be the strength of this new National Assembly. Women and men, young and old, from all regions and sectors of our society, must be represented. This will be the purest expression of the participatory democracy that we are calling for.

In conclusion, we reaffirm that the construction of the Senegal of tomorrow requires the election of a parliamentary majority proposed by Pastef and his allies. Today we have the opportunity to break with the practices of the past and initiate a real overhaul of our institutions. This refoundation will not happen without deputies with a clear vision for the future of our country, bearers of flawless ethics and driven by an unwavering desire to serve the Senegalese people.

Let everyone take their responsibilities on November 17, by voting for the parliamentary majority capable of supporting President Bassirou Diomaye Faye in carrying out his ambitious project for Senegal. The CPR Dooleel PIT-Senegal stands ready to actively participate in this new phase of our political history, with determination, consistency and unfailing commitment to the service of the citizen revolution.”



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