Top 14 – : Year III of Antoine Hastoy, that of the advent of the maritime fly-half?

Top 14 – : Year III of Antoine Hastoy, that of the advent of the maritime fly-half?
Top 14 – La Rochelle: Year III of Antoine Hastoy, that of the advent of the maritime fly-half?

At 27, international fly-half Antoine Hastoy – set to meet his training club, , again on Saturday (4:30 p.m., 3rd day of Top 14) – begins his third season in the Stade Rochelais jersey with the firm intention of guiding his teammates more than ever. And reaching a new level on a personal level.

The anecdote is not lacking in salt for a boy number one in his position at the club, having emerged strengthened from a summer of 2024 as the custodian of the Blues’ game. While Ntamack, Jalibert, Farrell, Lopez, Urdapilleta, Carbonel and others have already logically worn their No. 10 on the lawns of the Top 14, Antoine Hastoy has not yet worn it, with . Not even during the preparation match against Pau, his former stronghold. A Section that the fly-half could well find again SATURDAYat his favorite position.

The 2023 European champion has so far had to compensate for the absence due to injury of a now-recovered Brice Dulin. First covering the full-back and fly-half positions on the bench against . Then starting directly with the number 15 on his back facing for his fiftieth start with La Rochelle. The sixth in the back triangle. Where the international fly-half (7 caps) does not shy away from the task.

“Another look”, to improve your profile

“I have more fun in 10, quite honestly, but I’m very good in 15, too. It makes me take another look. It suits me very well to push the versatilityAntoine Hastoy says with an interested eye. We saw that Fabien’s staff (Galthié, coach of the French XV, Editor’s note), since the beginning of the mandate, likes versatility so of course it can be useful to me, provided I am efficient. I am concentrating on it. I hope it is more than just a stopgap.”

At the very beginning of the year, the coach responsible for the maritime attack, Sébastien Boboul, saw it as the embryo of a “interesting solution” for La Rochelle. “When he is facing the game, with speed and more space, close to the line, Antoine is very dangerous.” But above all a solution “occasional. He needs to gain experience at the 10 position, where he wants to play and settle in. Ronan (O’Gara, the manager, editor’s note) has been asking him since last year to assert himself at the highest level. He is still a young player in this position at the highest level, he is still learning, at an age where you really start to mature. In two years, he will be at the top of his game.”

The Mayol dam as a springboard

“The top of his level”, Antoine Hastoy has probably already spoken to him, in yellow and black. Never yet on a regular basis but here and there. No later than last June, for example. Where the play-off won by La Rochelle in Toulon remains his masterpiece under O’Gara. And perhaps a major turning point.I felt good, rather in control of what I was doing on the field, of how I wanted to control and guide the team. That’s what served me […] I think I found the right place to have in the team at the end of last season“, deciphers the native of who, at the end of an off-season marked by “a real change of mindset, in work and play” and the “pallow yourself to get hurt“, feels “good and free.”

In Toulon in the play-offs last season, Antoine Hastoy scored 19 points including a try.
Icon Sport – FEP

Far, in short, from the last autumn-winter or even spring cycle. Of the hellish kind. Between a fragile international status and poor performances at club level.I had never had a period where I was less well in the head, where the performances did not follow. Evacuating the frustration took a little time, I have to use it. We must know how to question ourselves, find the appetite to work hard again. The good days will come. Having had a summer “off”, four real weeks of rest to clear your mind, it’s a change, it feels good. I was able to rely on the end of the season, which was much better.”

A guy for special occasions!

His year III in La Rochelle?I want to have a positive impact”sums up the fly-half, figurehead of a now well-oiled Kerr-Barlow – Hastoy hinge. “JI have a very good connection with Antoine, supports the all black scrum-half. I’ve been saying from the start that he’s got a special talent, he’s a guy for big occasions! It was obvious against Leinster in the final. (Champions Cup 2022-2023, Editor’s note). His calmness, his ability to play under pressure… I love playing with him!”

And if “TKB” will pass the torch to Nolann Le Garrec next summer, Antoine Hastoy is part of the core of those extended. His contract runs until 2029. “I I couldn’t see myself going anywhere else but here, changing anything. I’m fine and that gives me confidence to work in the long term. […] We still have some good years ahead of us, I hope (laughs).” At 27, the Rochelais is waiting for his advent.



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