try our express chakchouka in the Air Fryer!

try our express chakchouka in the Air Fryer!

You don’t have the time or the courage to spend hours in the kitchen? The tasty and express recipe that will save your lunch or dinner!

We all love chakchouka. Yes, but you have to cut the vegetables, wait for everything to stew, crack the eggs, in short, it takes time. Today, we offer you an express but no less tasty version made with only 3 ingredients and ready in just 10 minutes flat. We’re counting on you to give us your opinion… Let’s go!

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Ingredients for 1 serving

50 g tomato pulp
3 eggs
1 ball of mozzarella
You sell

The steps of the express chakchouka recipe

To begin, pour the tomato sauce into the bottom of a baking dish. Add the whole eggs, and beat them gently with a fork to slightly break up the yolks.
Add the mozzarella previously cut into small pieces. Salt and pepper to taste. Cook for 8 minutes, at 180 degrees, in an air fryer. It’s already ready! All you have to do is grab some good pieces of fresh bread and enjoy. Bon appetit!

Other ideas for quick recipes with the Air Fryer

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Click here to see more

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